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Finance Department

发布时间:2022-05-12 点击: 分享到:

Department Chair: He Jiankui Department Party Branch Secretary: Hou Xiaohui

Tel: 82656429 Department Office: #129 Economics and Finance Main Building

The Department of Finance was established with an undergraduate program in 1960. In 1981 and 1986, the department was granted the right to confer a master's degree and a doctorate degree in finance respectively. In 1988, the People's Bank of China (PBC) identified the financemajor of the department as one of the keymajors among the directly affiliated institutions of the PBC. In 2000,the department set up a post-doctoral mobile station, and its finance major was recognized as the provincial renowned major in the same year. In 2017, it was recognized as the first-class major construction program in Shaanxi Provinceand was awarded Class A in the fourth discipline assessment of the Ministry of Education in 2018. It was approved as the first-class undergraduate major construction site in Shaanxi in 2019 and at the national level in 2021. Meanwhile, the department jointly launched the "HSBC Financial Technology Elite Class" for undergraduates in 2018, and the "CCB Financial Technology Elite Class" in 2019. The Department of Finance currently has 30 faculties, including 10 full professors, 16 associate professors, and 4 assistant professors. Among these, 12 are doctoral supervisors and 22 have obtained a doctoral degree. In the past three years,nine faculties in the department went overseas as visiting scholars to world-renowned universities such as the University of California, Berkeley. The department has alsorecruited 6 talents from outstandinginstitutions at home and abroad like Shanghai Jiaotong University and the University of Alberta in Canada. Two faculties have won the Outstanding Youth Award of Shaanxi Province, and one faculty has been selected as a member of the young scientific researchbackbones by the Ministry of Education. Meanwhile, 53% offaculties have overseas study experience. The department has gathered athriving and solidary team of faculties that is well-structured in terms of academic relationship and age, and also well-recognized in terms of academic achievements.

The department offers programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate (both Mater’s andPh.D.) levels, along with a financial MBA program and postdoctoral positions in finance. There are four teaching and researchsections in the fields of Financial Theory and Commercial Banking, Financial Investment and Engineering, International Finance, and Insurance. The main finance courses offered are: Finance, Central Banking, Financial Markets, Management of Commercial Bank, Corporate Finance, International Finance, Insurance, Property Insurance, Life Insurance, Financial Supervision, Policy Finance,Comparative Financesystems, Trust and Leasing, Investment ProjectEvaluation, International Financial Practice, Investment Banking, Financial Risk Management, Securities Investment Analysis, International Settlement, Bank Accounting, and Financial Engineering, etc.

Currently, the department operates a Financial Research Center and an International Financial Research Center. Faculties in the department have altogether presided over 3 majorand 4 key National Social Science Funds, more than 40 National Social Science and National Natural Science Funds, 1 major project and 3 key projects of the Ministry of Education, and more than 50 provincial and ministerial projects, as well as several hundreds of special projects for serving local governments. Publications include over 800 journal articles in CSSCI journals such as "Economic Research", "Management World", "Chine Economic Quarterly", "The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics", and "Journal of Financial Research". 22 awards arereceived in areas of academic research, teaching, andtextbooks at the provincial and ministerial levels. Multiple textbooks are recognized as the "Eleventh Five-Year", "Twelfth Five-Year" and "Thirteenth Five-Year" National Planning Textbooksby the Ministry of Education, including "Finance", "Financial Supervision", "Corporate Finance", "Bank Accounting", "Commercial Bank Management" and "Commercial Bank Financial Management".

Theeducational objectives of our undergraduateprogram are: centering around the educational philosophy of "broad calibration, solid foundation, high qualification, and courageous innovation"; integrating the logicalthinking methods rooted in STEM subjects, to cultivate inter-disciplinary elites in Finance who are patriotic, responsible, andthriving for competence,and are equipped with international vision, meticulousmentality, and courageouscreativity. The educational objectives of our master’s program are:to prepare students to have a solid theoretical background in economics and finance,acquire proficiency in conducting financial research, and be familiar with cutting-edge trends in the development of financial theories at home and abroad, thus becoming professional talents who are able to independently engage in financial analysis and research, and are fit for positions in business operation and management in domestic and foreign financial institutions. The educational objectives of the doctoral program are: to cultivate advanced and innovative talents who are familiar with the latest developments in financial theories domestically and abroad, closely follow the research dynamics ofleading financial experts all over the world, are sharp-witted in apprehending financial reforms, and areequipped with comprehensive research abilities in the fields of economics and finance, thus are competent for managing financial institutions, working in scientific research departments, and teaching and conducting research in colleges and universities.

Distinctive Features and Advantages of the Finance Major

(1) Broadcalibration integrating finance and engineering. Actively integrate science and engineering subjects into the financecurriculum, and offer innovative courses in artificial intelligence, financial technology, and financial mathematics, highlighting the unique advantages ofa comprehensive university.

(2) Solid foundationaiming at practicality and sincerity. With two years of strict basic training, students by large are expected to have acquired solid basic knowledge in finance, assured by historical records of numerous excellent achievements in innovation and entrepreneurship projects for college students. The program aims to edify logical thinking and foster an honorable and rigorous academic atmosphere and discipline.

(3) Pursuit of excellence and innovation. Allfaculties including senior professors are involved in undergraduate teaching andserve as academicadvisors to undergraduate students. Students will be inspired to think creatively, encouraged to pursue innovations in the spirit of science, and set outon a path of sustainable growth.

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