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Economic Department

发布时间:2022-05-12 点击: 分享到:

Department of Economics

Dean:Qianxiao Zhang Branch secretary: Chunmi Li

Tel: 82656429 Address: Rm. 129, Main Building of Finance

The Department of Economics, Xi'an Jiaotong University, has a long history. The origin can be traced back to the Business of Nanyang College, and the publication of “The Wealth of Nations” (in Chinese). As a formal department established in 1994, the Department of Economics has long been responsible for providing teaching of theoretical economics to undergraduates, postgraduates, and doctoral students at the School of Economics and Finance and other humanities and social sciences departments, cultivating interdisciplinary talents with equal emphasis on academic skills and the ability to practice, and undertaking theoretical research on China’s economic development and reform. School of Economics and Finance has the degree-granting authority for master’s degrees in the first-level discipline of theoretical economics, a postgraduate tutor team for “innovation-driven high-quality economic development”, an off-campus innovation and entrepreneurship practice education base for college students in Shaanxi Province, and Xi'an Jiaotong University - Jushi “Belt and Road” New Economic Research Institute. The major of economics was ranked as a “provincial first-class major” at the undergraduate level.

The Department of Economics has strong faculty and reasonable academic echelon. There are totally 22 full-time teachers, including 5 professors, 13 associate professors, 4 lecturers (with 13 doctoral supervisors and 20 master supervisors). Among them, one is selected as an expert with special allowances from the State Council, one is selected into the “Sanqin Talents” Support Plan of Shaanxi Province, and one is selected into the university-level Young Top-notch Talent Program. Additionally, three world well-known economists serve as adjunct professors, and one of them was selected into a short-term project of the national “Thousand Talents Program”. In recent years, Department of Economics faculties have published more than 200 papers in international/domestic top-tier journals such as Economic Research Journal, Management World, China Industrial Economics, Economic Daily, China Economic Review, and R&D Management. The faculties have also presided over approximately 20 national projects such as The National Social Science Fund of China and National Natural Science Foundation of China, more than 30 ministry (provincial) projects like Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social Science Projects and Key Project of Shaanxi Provincial Social Science Fund. Also, the faculties won more than 10 awards, including Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Achievement Award and provincial Teaching Achievement Award, and published more than 10 textbooks such as “Microeconomics”, “Macroeconomics” and “International Economics”.

The Department of Economics upholds the concept of "Solid foundation, broad caliber, and emphasis on practice", cultivating innovative talents with a strong foundation in economic theory, an international perspective, a sense of social responsibility, and the ability to think critically and analytically. In recent ten years, the Department of Economics has trained more than 300 undergraduate graduates, more than 100 master’s graduates, and more than 50 PhD graduates. The department offers a number of general courses and the average number of students choosing courses at each level exceeds more than 500. Among them, one has been selected as a university-level “Golden Course” and is listed on the Chinese University MOOC, one has been selected as a university-level “Famous Course”, and two have been selected as university-level bilingual boutique courses. A minor second-degree in economics is offered for the whole university, with an average enrollment of more than 100 annually. Economics graduates have won more than 20 national and provincial awards in various innovation and entrepreneurship competitions and other practical projects. Over 40% of graduates have entered top-tier universities at home and abroad, including Peking University, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, The University of Hong Kong, New York University, The London School of Economics and Political Science, and have demonstrated strong competitiveness and development potential after employment. Among them, a number of outstanding alumni have emerged.


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