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发布时间:2022-03-02 点击: 分享到:

为帮助我院留学生解决论文写作中遇到的问题,学院为本科生、硕士生和博士生分别开设了论文写作系列讲座。To help international students solve problems encountered in thesis writing. The college has launched a series of lectures on dissertation writing for undergraduates, masters and doctoral students.

1For PhD students

报告题目:How Do PhDs Perform Well in Empirical Research?

报告人:Peng Nie

时 间:2022年3月5日北京时间18:00-20:00

腾讯会议号:397 683 837




Peng Nie is now a distinguished Research Fellow in Economics at the Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. He is Deputy Director of the Center for Ageing Health and Geriatrics, Global Health Institute, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Health Care & Public Management, University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart (Germany), and Research Fellow at Global Labor Organization (GLO), and Health Econometrics and Data Group (University of York, UK). He obtained his PhD in Economics (summa cum laude) from the University of Hohenheim in August 2015. His research interests focus on issues related to health economics, labor economics and development economics. He is a member of International Health Economics Association (Member of the Scientific Committee Review Panel), The Chinese Economists Society, Youth Committee of China Health Economics Association (Committee Member). He is now an Associate Editor of The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, and editorial board member of Labor History, BMC Geriatrics and BMC Public Health.


This talk is comprised of two major components: First, it gives a snapshot of PhDs in Germany. Second, it provides a detailed discussion of what to be considered when forwarding PhD study in Economics. In particular, the second part covers at least ten basic points, including idea, data, econometric skills, academic writing, some experiences, active talk/discussion, publications, languages, academic collaboration and attitudes. It will provide some insightful routes on structuring PhD studies in Economics and even other relevant disciplines.

2For master students

报告题目:How to Write a Thesis Proposal

报告人:Dr.Ling YANG

时 间:2022年3月4日北京时间18:00-20:00

腾讯会议号:641 674 942



Dr. Ling YANG is an associate professor in School of Economics and Finance, Xi’an Jiaotong University. She received her Ph.D degree from XJTU and worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in European Economic Research Center (ZEW) in Germany supported by Humboldt Foundation. She was visiting scholar in Rutgers, UNU-WIDER and Mälardalen University and a member of CSC International Clean Energy Talent Training Program. Her research interests are energy and environmental economics and regional sustainable development. So far, Dr. Yang has published papers in China Economic Review, the Review of Regional Science, Applied Energy, etc.She was the Supervisor of Outstanding Master Thesis for XJTU in 2019.


The lecture will introduce several ways for students to decide their thesis topic, it will also use XJTU’s proposal template to show how to write different parts of a master thesis proposal.

3For undergraduates



时 间:2022年3月6日北京时间19:00-21:00

腾讯会议号:937 665 833



杨凌,西安交通大学经济与金融学院副教授,博导,欧洲经济研究中心博士后。美国罗格斯大学,联合国大学—世界经济研究院,瑞典麦拉达伦大学访问学者,入选留基委第三批国际清洁能源拔尖创新人才。主要研究领域为环境与能源经济学及区域可持续发展等,论文发表在China Economic Review、《光明日报》、《科研管理》等期刊,西安交通大学校级优秀硕士/本科毕业论文指导教师。







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