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Runsheng Yin教授学术讲座

发布时间:2023-11-24 点击:

讲座题目: Global Forest Carbon: Economics, Policy and Finance

主 讲人 : Runsheng Yin

时   间:  2023年11月27日(星期一)下午3:00-4:00

地   点: 西安交通大学雁塔校区经济与金融学院财经主楼806会议室



Runsheng Yin is a Professor of Forest Ecosystem Economics and Policy at Michigan State University, USA. Over the past three decades he has conducted research projects evaluating ecosystem restoration programs, analysing forest tenure reforms, accounting for and assessment of forest carbon, and exploring rural sustainable development. He has published over ninety peer reviewed papers and served as an editor-in-chief for the international journal of Forest Policy and Economics.


This book addresses the major policy, economical and financial issues encountered in global forest carbon. The global forest sector is expected to play a major role in achieving the Paris Agreement’s temperature targets. Therefore, there is an urgent need to explore practical and promising solutions to the challenges facing carbon accounting and policy assessment as the global community undertakes forest sector actions—including the widely known REDD+ initiative. This book demonstrates how vital it is that we identify appropriate perspectives and formulate approaches to address these challenges in an integrated and effective manner. In doing so, it addresses many of the major issues, including the differential potentials for carbon sequestration within various forest ecosystems as well as for storage within a variety of harvested wood products, the joint production of timber and carbon, and the measurement and impact of forest carbon offsets and credits, results-based payments, and other nationally determined contributions centered differences as well. The book examines regional and country-level case studies from across the world and draws on the author's decades of experience working on forest policy and with the forest sector. Overall, this book highlights the technical and policy issues regarding forest sector carbon emission and removal to build useful perspectives, frameworks, and methods for addressing these issues successfully in the future. It advances the knowledge frontiers of global forest carbon policy, economics and finance as well as the ability to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of forest climate solutions.





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