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发布时间:2022-11-22 点击: 分享到:

报告题目:Construction or Destruction - Automation-Induced Innovation Shift


时  间:2022年11月25日14:00-16:00




陆瑶教授主要研究领域为公司治理,企业并购与重组,劳动与金融,技术变革对企业投融资以及发展的影响,资本市场改革与发展等,在《Journal of Finance》,《Management Science》,《Journal of Financial Economics》,《Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis》,《Review of Economics and Statistics》《Review of Finance》,《Journal of Corporate Finance》,《经济研究》,《管理世界》,《管理科学学报》,《金融研究》,《经济学(季刊)》等国内外顶级权威学术期刊发表(或接收)论文45篇。陆瑶教授还担任《Pacific-Basin Finance Journal》副主编,《Corporate Governance: An International Review》编委会成员(Editorial Board),等。


This paper studies the impact of robot exposure on firms’ innovation activities. We measure a firm’s innovations as its patent number distribution in technology fields. First, at the aggregate level, firms with high robot exposure experience a significant decline in patent innovations but a rise in R&D expenditure in the following years. Associated with the innovation decline, we further show that firms with high robot exposure witness a decline in their technology similarity over time and significantly shift their innovative activities from the incumbent fields to AI-oriented ones. This automation-induced innovation shift becomes more significant for firms with AI-related research experience in history. Finally, we present a dynamic equilibrium model to shed insights on how automation induces innovation shift.





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