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发布时间:2021-12-07 点击: 分享到:

报告题目:The Economic and Strategic Value of Global Logistics Distribution Centers along the Belt and Road

报 告 人:王凤生

时    间:2021年12月14日19:00-21:00



王凤生,英文名Leonard F.S. Wang,男,1950年7月出生,于1980年获美国普渡大学经济学博士,现任中南财经政法大学文澜学院讲座教授,国立高雄大学荣誉讲座教授,国立高雄大学法学院经济法学讲座教授,东南大学经济管理学院客座教授,深圳般若计算机系统股份有限公司(中国上市公司)首席经济学家,财团法人华亚经济管理教育基金会董事长,中华亚太经济与管理学会理事长,国家政策研究基金会经济组特约研究员,财团法人亚太综合研究院董事。研究领域涵盖Industrial Organization、International Trade, Development and Environment、Tax Evasion and Tax Incidence、Labor-Managed Economy, Mainland China Economy等议题。在国内外学术期刊上发表论文100余篇,近十年来,先后在国际SSCI检索期刊发表论文40余篇,包括Journal of Environmental Economics and Management、Journal of Development Economics、Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control、International Review of Economics and Finance、North American Journal of Economics and Finance、Journal of Economics、Economic Modelling、Economics Letters、Review of Development Economics、Review of International Economics、Review of World Economics、Journal of Macroeconomics、Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics、Economic Systems、BE Journal of Theoretical Economics、Bulletin of Economic Research、The Manchester School、National Tax Journal、Public Finance、Southern Economic Journal、Japan and World Economy、Japanese Economic Review、Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics,Pacific Economic Review、Australian Economic Papers、Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics、South African Journal of Economics等。


This paper shows that the firms in the Cournot competition always undertake a greater level of CSR activities than that in the Bertrand competition. If CSR-conscience consumers place a high value on the firms’investment in CSR activities, the firms would produce more in the Cournot than the Bertrand competition. Compared to firms in the Cournot competition, the firms in the Bertrand competition tend to compete with a lower price. Furthermore, a range of the consumers’value on the firms’CSR activities is identified in which the consumers would obtain higher surplus in the Cournot than the Bertrand competition.





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