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发布时间:2020-12-24 点击: 分享到:

报告题目:Costs of an Environmental Regulation in Livestock Farming: Evidence from pig production in Rural China

报 告 人:陈帅博士

时    间:2020122510:00-12:00

地    点:中国西部科技创新港涵英楼88121会议室



陈帅,博士,浙江大学长聘副教授、研究员、博士生导师,任教于浙江大学公共管理学院农经系、浙江大学中国农村发展研究院(CARD。陈帅的研究领域属于应用微观计量,聚焦农业经济学、资源与环境经济学方向,已在 Journal of Development Economics (JDE)Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (JAERE)Journal of Economic Geography (JEG)Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM)等知名国际期刊,以及《经济学季刊》和《中国农村经济》等知名国内期刊发表论文多篇;主持包括国家自科基金、教育部文科专项在内的多个科研项目。




This article investigates the cost and benefit of one of the most stringent Chinese environmental regulations that led to a shutdown of a large number of livestock farms. The temporal and spatial variation in program implementation allows us to employ a staggered difference-in-difference (DID) to identify the causal effects of the regulation. Our DID estimates show that while the regulation significantly reduced NH3-N, it has no significant effect on the other three important livestock related pollutants (pH, DO and COD). In contrast, the regulation consistently reduced the number of pigs slaughtered, inventory of live pigs and pork production by 8.3%, 10.3%, and 11.2%, which alone is equivalent to a 2.9 percentage point loss of China’s entire agricultural output value in 2016. Further analyses reveal evidence of partial substitution between pig and other livestock animals and the possibility of relocation to other regions. The policy-induced reduction in export and increase in pork price is consistent with the reduction of pig and pork production. Overall, we find that the regulation achieved rather limited environmental benefit at a large economic cost.






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