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发布时间:2019-07-01 点击: 分享到:

题目:Do Cities Benefit from Co-Agglomeration between Manufacturing Firms and Advanced Producer Services ?







Hong Bo is Professor in Financial Economics at School of Finance & Management, SOAS University of London. She is also an associate director for teaching quality (UG) at SOAS. Prof. Bo received her degrees in Economics from Lanzhou University (BA), Renmin University of China (MSc), London School of Economics and Political Science, UK (MSc), and University of Groningen, the Netherlands (PhD). Before joining SOAS in 2004,Prof.Bo was an assistant professor at Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen. Prof. Bo’s research covers various topics in financial economics, including firm investment decisions under uncertainty, capital market imperfections, comparative financial systems, corporate finance, corporate governance, and the Chinese economy. She has published more than 20 articles in internationally well-recognized academic journals, includingJournal of Corporate Finance, Review of Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Economica, Regional Studies, European Journal of Finance, and International Review of Financial Analysis, etc..Prof. Bo is frequently engaged with the general public by delivering speeches and lectures to other universities and organisations. She has provided lived experts’ commentaries for many media channels, including BBC World News, BBC Business Live, CNBC Europe, Sky News, and CCTV dialogue, etc.





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