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发布时间:2018-09-14 点击: 分享到:

题目::Land tenure, logging rights, and tree plantation: empirical evidence from smallholders in China (林地产权、采伐限额与农户造林行为)


时间:2018年9月17日 晚上7:30-9:30



To encourage afforestation and promote rural livelihood, China launched a new round of forest tenure reforms (CFTR) for its collective forestland in 2003. Using data spanning a long time period for rural smallholders in China, this study analyzes the causal effects of land tenure security and logging rights on tree planting investments. We address potential selection biases into tree planting and treatments using alternative estimation methods including matching methods and Heckman models. We conclude that complete logging rights over standing timber had a significantly positive effect on investments in tree planting, while the effect of secure land tenure was insignificant. Smallholders with confidence in obtaining a harvest permit invested on average 52% more in total and 36% more in seedling.


林颖博士,美国奥本大学应用经济学博士,研究方向为资源与环境经济、林产品国际贸易,在《Land Use Policy》、《Journal of Forest Economics》、《China Economic Review》等国际权威期刊(SSCI)发表多篇论文,作为主要负责人参加过4项国家自然科学基金青年项目、1项国家自然科学基金面上项目、1项国家自然科学基金地区项目及1项教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目,现为产业与贸易经济系讲师。




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