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Kenneth S. Bigel教授学术报告

发布时间:2018-07-03 点击: 分享到:


题目:Wealth and Charity in Judaism

时间:2018年 7月 6日(星期五 )上午10:30-11:30



Kenneth Bigel教授于1994年9月作为兼职教授受聘于纽约大学斯特恩商学院,并在之后的二十多年一直就职于该学院。

Bigel教授的学术领域范围包括传统金融学科以及金融道德研究。他是现任美国金融业监管局的仲裁委员。在任教纽约大学(NYU)之前,曾就职于信孚银行、福特公司和培基证券,并担任金融理财师(CFP)核定委员会成员。他在学术杂志上发表了大量关于金融道德与伦理教育的文章,以及类如金融学习指南的刊物。Bigel教授也曾作为商务诉讼顾问在多起知名商业案例中发挥自己的领域建树。类似案件如安然丑闻(the Enron Scandal)。


Kenneth Bigel joined New York University Stern School of Business as an Adjunct Associate Professor of Business Ethics in September 1994.

Professor Bigel's fields of expertise include traditional finance and financial ethics. He currently serves on FINRA's Board of Arbitrators. Formerly, he was a member of the Certified Financial Planners (CFP) Board of Professional Review and was affiliated with Bankers Trust, Ford Motor Company and Prudential Securities. He has published numerous articles in academic journals on the subjects of financial ethics and ethics in education, as well as a text/study manual in finance. As a litigation support consultant, Professor Bigel provided background expertise in several high-profile cases, including the Enron scandal.


· Business Education Forum, “The Evaluation of a Management Simulation as a Method of Learning,” with Gerard Engeholm (1996, April)

· ADD:Financial Management Journal, 1998

· Financial Planners Who Are Engaged in Investment Activities: A Comparison of United States Practitioners Based on Professionalization and Compensation”;Journal of Business Ethics,Dec. 2000.

o Best Paper Award, Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards (2002)

· “The Impact of a Business Ethics Course on the Moral Development of Undergraduate and Graduate Business Students”;The Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, Spring/Summer 2002.

· “The Rationale for, and Scope and Method of Teaching Business Ethics to Business Managers”;Crisis and Opportunity in the Professions, ed. Moses Pava, 2005.

· “Some Contemporary Ethical Issues Concerning Adam Smith’s ‘The Wealth of Nations’”;Oxford Journal of Business, Fall, 2008.

· “The Economics of Trust”;Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal (ABSRJ).Volume 7 (Number 1)http://www.absrc.org/publications/absrj-2016-number-1/

· “Wealth and Charity in Judaism,Proceedings of the Academy of Business Research, March 2018





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