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Jess Benhabib教授学术讲座

发布时间:2018-03-15 点击: 分享到:

题目:Wealth distribution and social mobility in the US: A quantitative approach

报告人:Jess Benhabib教授

时间:2018年3月19日 下午4:00-6:00



The paper quantitatively identifies the factors that drive wealth dynamics in the U.S. and are consistent with its skewed cross-sectional distribution and with social mobility. It concentrates on three critical factors: i) skewed earnings, ii) differential saving across wealth levels, and iii) stochastic idiosyncratic returns to wealth. All of these are fundamental for matching both distribution and mobility. The stochastic process for returns which best fits the cross-sectional distribution of wealth and social mobility in the U.S. shares several statistical properties with those of the returns to wealth uncovered by Fagereng et al. (2017) from tax records in Norway.


Jess Benhabib是纽约大学教授,在增长理论和太阳黑子平衡(经济学)领域享有盛誉。Jess Benhabib教授1976年在哥伦比亚大学获得博士学位,曾在南加州大学担任助理教授,现任职于纽约大学。Jess Benhabib教授曾担任Journal of Economic Theory编辑、Journal of Economic Theory、Economic Theory、Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control副主编,现为Journal of Economic Growth、Japanese Economic Review副主编。Jess Benhabib教授是也是一位多产学者,在American Economic Review、 Econometrica、Economic Theory 、Economics Letters、International Economic Review、Journal of Economic Theory、Review of Economic Studies、Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decisions and Control、Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications、Journal of Political Economy、Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization、Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Social Sciences、Journal of Economic Perspectives、Journal of Political Economy、The Japanese Economic Review等重要期刊发表学术论文102篇,并出版Economic Dynamics: Models and Methods、Spatial Development、Planning: A Dynamic Convex Programming Approach、Nonlinear Economic Dynamics等学术专著。






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