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Jerry TirivateteParwada教授学术讲座

发布时间:2017-10-16 点击: 分享到:

题目:Superstar Fund Managers: Talent Revelation or Just Glamour?

报告人:Jerry TirivateteParwada 教授



报告摘要:We examine the effect of mutual fund managers’ superstar status on their money flows, performance, and risk-taking behavior. Investors respond positively to fund managers who win a prominent fund-manager-of-the-year award based on proven long-term record. While award-winning managers generate positive risk-adjusted performance diseconomies of scale apparently diminish such outperformance. Award-winning managers do not take on increased risks or trade more actively as implied by attention-induced incentives. Our results are consistent with Berk and Parham’s (2015, 2017) rational expectations equilibrium argument that skill exists among superstar fund managers and the attendant inflow of investor capital subsequently arbitrages away such outperformance.

报告人简介:Jerry Parwada博士是澳大利亚悉尼的UNSW商学院的财务教授。他于2003年加入了联合国职业教育学院,并从2011-2017年担任银行与金融学院校长。他的研究专攻投资管理和金融市场。他的作品已发表在国际知名的金融期刊上,其中包括“会计研究学报”,“金融与定量分析与财务管理杂志”。他拥有三年的投资银行业务经验,是有关管理资金和估值问题的行业积极顾问。自2012年起,他就在瑞士信贷基金咨询委员会任职。他是FINSIA机构市场行业委员会和澳大利亚贷款人指数专家小组,是当地和国际财务会议的常客。他拥有Edith Cowan大学的博士和工商管理硕士学位,澳大利亚澳大利亚经济贸易大学的MPhil,NUST(津巴布韦)的商业学士学位(荣誉)学士学位,并在沃顿商学院的Aresty行政教育研究所学习。





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