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发布时间:2017-09-21 点击: 分享到:

报告题目:Modeling Airline Competition inMarkets withLegacyRegulation:The case of the Chinese domestic markets




报告摘要:This study develops a BLP-type (Berry, Levinson and Pakes, 1995-Econometrica)discrete choice modelto study airline competition in the Chinese domestic market, explicitly taking into accountthe potential effects of ‘legacy’ regulation on airlines’ competition behavior. This work constitutes an improved econometric approach that allows researchers to identify a range of competitive regimes for different group of routes. This allows us to measure possible effects of the ‘legacy’ regulation as well as allowing us to benchmark the results obtained under restrictive Bertrand or Cournot competition. Our results show that Chinese airlines set prices collusively on the most travelledrouteswhereregulatory control is strict and airport congestion is severe while they compete more aggressively on less travelled routes with relatively lightregulatory control. On model side, a strong evidence exists that our new approach performs better than the existing competition models in terms of obtaining better results on estimation and prediction. This suggests that simply assuming a particular type of competition regime for a market may yield biased estimation.


王焜(博士生)现就读于不列颠哥伦比亚大学尚德商学院交通及物流专业,本科及研究生毕业于香港理工大学商学院。他的研究方向包括交通经济政策,航空和高铁的竞争和合作, 国际航运碳排放的控制和预防气候变化影响。他的10篇研究成果发表在 Transportation Research Part A, Journal of Transport Geography, Journal of Air Transport Management, Maritime Economics and Logistics等国际交通经济SSCI期刊。同时,他还参与了世界经合组织 (OECD),以及 International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries 的研究项目及报告撰写。他在博士就读期间获得了英属哥伦比亚大学最高博士奖学金,“Killam Doctoral Scholarship” (加拿大最高等级博士奖学金)。他还在第58届 US Transportation Research Forum (TRF)获得了 “最佳研究生论文奖”,以及中国教育部颁发的“中国优秀海外博士留学生奖”。他现在还担任Journal of Transport Policy的主编助理。他还是多个国际学术组织的成员,包括“Air Transport Research Society(ATRS)”, “World Conference of Transport Research Society (WCTRS)”, “International Transport Economists Association (ITEA)”, “US Transportation Research Forum”。

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