报告题目: Optimal Model Averaging Based on Forward-Validation
报 告 人: 张新雨研究员
时 间: 2020年10月30日下午3:00-4:00
地 点: 财经主楼806会议室
In this paper, noting that prediction of time series follows the temporal order of data, we propose a frequentist model averaging method based on forward-validation. Our method also considers the uncertainty of the window size in estimation, that is, we allow the sample size to vary in the candidate models. We establish the asymptotic optimality of our method in the sense of achieving the lowest possible squared prediction risk. We also prove that if there exist one or more correctly specified models, our method will automatically assign all the weights to them. The promising performance of our method for finite samples is demonstrated by simulations and an empirical example of predicting the equity premium.
