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张成毅    教授




邮   箱: cyzhang08@xjtu.edu.cn

1996.091998.07         山东德州师范专科学校数学系学习;

1998.092000.07         曲阜师范大学数学与计算机科学系学习,毕业获理学学士学位;

2003.092006.01         云南大学数理学院学习,毕业获理学硕士学位;

2006.022010.09         西安交通大学理学院学习,毕业获理学博士学位;

2008.102010.05         国家留学基金委“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”资助, 美国Emory大学数学与计算机系联合培养博士。



2000.07— 2003.09       山东省北镇中学高中数学教师(中学教师二级);

2010.09—2013.12        西安工程大学理学院讲师,硕士生导师;

2011.04—2017.03        西安交通大学电信学院博士后;

2013.12—2017.11        西安工程大学理学院副教授,硕士生导师;

2017.11—2019.03        西安工程大学理学院教授(破格),硕士生导师;

2019.04—               西安交通大学经济与金融学院教授(2018年11月在西安交大重评)。







 [1] Zhihua Zhao, Fengmin Xu, Meihua Wang and Cheng-yi Zhang, A sparse enhanced indexation model with L1/2 norm and its alternating quadratic penalty method, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(3): 433-445, 2019. (SCI, SSCI)

[2] Luo Shuanghua, Wang Song, Zhang Cheng-yi and Liu Qingbing. Local polynomial smoother for solving Bagley-Torvik fractional differential equations, Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2018, 35(1) :  88-100. (CSCD)

[3] Angang Cui, Jigen Peng, Haiyang Li, Chengyi Zhang, Yongchao Yu. Affine matrix rank minimization problem via non-convex fraction function penalty, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 336: 353- 374, 2018. (SCI二区)

[4] Cheng-yi Zhang, Shuanghua Luo. On matrices having equal spectral radius and some matrix norm. Computational & Applied Mathematics, 37(2): 912-921, 2018. (SCI)

[5] Jicheng Li, Guiling Zhang, Nana Wang, Guo Li and Cheng-yi Zhang. Construction of full H-matrices with   the given eigenvalues based on the given matrices. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 8(1): 81-104, 2018. (SCI)

[6] Cheng-yi Zhang, Weiwei Wang, Shuanghua Luo and Jianxing Zhao. The disc separation and the eigenvalue

distribution of the Schur complement of nonstrictly diagonally dominant matrices, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2017(1), 68. (SCI)

[7] Angang Cui, Haiyang Li and Cheng-yi Zhang. A splitting method for shifted skew-Hermitian linear system, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2016:160. (SCI)

[8] Qingbing Liu, Chaoqian Li and Cheng-yi Zhang. Some inequalities on the Perron eigenvalue and eigenvector for positive tensors, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 10(2) : 405-414, 2016. (SCI)

[9] Cheng-yi Zhang, Guangyan Miao and Yan Zhu. Convergence on successive over-relaxation iterative methods for non-Hermtian positive definite linear systems, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2016: 156. (SCI)

[10] Ping-fan Dai, Jicheng Li,Yao-tang Li and Cheng-yi Zhang. Error bounds for linear complementary problems of QN-matrices, Calcolo, 53(4):647-657, 2016.  (SCI)

[11] Chao-Qian Li, Cheng-Yi Zhang and Yao-Tang Li. Minimal Gersgorin tensor eigenvalue inclusion set and its

Approximation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 302: 200-210, 2016. (SCI二区)

[12] Shuanghua Luo, Changlin Mei and Cheng-Yi Zhang. Smoothed empirical likelihood for quantile regression models with response data missing at random, AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 15 (1):1-22, 2017. (SCI)

[13] Cheng-yi Zhang, Yao-yan Song and Shuanghua Luo. Positive eigenvector of nonlinear eigenvalue problem with a singular M-matrix and Newton-SOR iterative solution. Journal of Inequalities and Applications,  2016(1): 225. (SCI)

[14] Cheng-yi Zhang, Zichen Xue and Shuanghua Luo. A convergence analysis of SOR iterative methods for linear systems with weak H-matrices, Open Mathematics, 2016, 14: 747–760. (SCI)

[15] Cheng-yi Zhang, Shuanghua Luo and Zongben Xu. On parallel multisplitting block iterative methods for linear systems arising in the numerical solution of Euler equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 279: 249-260, 2015.    (SCI二区)

[16] Cheng-yi Zhang, Dan Ye, Cong-lei Zhong and Shuanghua Luo. Convergence on Gauss-Seidel iterative methods for linear systems with general H-matrices, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 30: 843-870, 2015. (SCI)

[17] Shuanghua Luo and Cheng-yi Zhang. Nonparametric M-type Regression Estimation Under Missing Response Data, Statistical Papers, 57(3), 641-664, 2016.   (SCI)

[18] Yu-Qian Yang and Cheng-Yi Zhang. Kernel-based fourth-order diffusion for image noise removal, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 92(1): 181-191, 2015.   (SCI)

[19] Cheng-Yi Zhang, Yu-Qian Yang and Qiang Sun. Convergence of TTS Iterative Method for Non-Hermitian Positive Definite Linear Systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Volume 2014, Article ID 328901, 6 pages. (SCI)

[20] Cheng-yi Zhang, Fengmin Xu, Zongben Xu and Jicheng Li. General H-matrices and their Schur complements, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 9(5): 1141–1168, 2014. (SCI)

[21] Shuanghua Luo, Cheng-yi Zhang and Fengmin Xu. The Local Linear M-Estimation with Missing Response Data, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014, Article ID 398082, 10 pages.   (SCI) 

[22] Yu-Qian Yang and Cheng-Yi Zhang. Kernel Based Telegraph-Diffusion Equation for Image Noise Removal, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 283751, 10 pages.   (SCI)

[23] Cheng-yi Zhang, Yan Zhu, shuanghua luo, and jicheng li, On generalized schur complement of nonstrictly diagonally dominant matrices and general H-matrices, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 23:801-814,2012. (SCI)

[24] Cheng-yi Zhang, Shuanghua Luo, Jicheng Li and Fengmin Xu. An extension of the class of matrices arising in the numerical solution of euler equations, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 23:422-444,2012. (SCI)

[25] Cheng-yi Zhang, Shuanghua Luo and Mei-hua Wang. THS iterative method for shifted skew-Hermitian linear systems, The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology, July 26-28, 2011, Hangzhou, PR China, Vol. 3, Part II, pp. 2766-2768. (EI)

[26] Shuanghua Luo, Cheng-yi Zhang and Aiqun Huang. Some conditions on stabilization of generalized dynamical systems, The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology, July 26-28, 2011, Hangzhou, PR China, Vol. 3, Part II, pp. 2588-2590. (EI)

[27] Yan Zhu, Cheng-yi Zhang and Jun Liu. Path product and inverse M-matrices, Electronic Journal of Linea  Algebra, Volume 22, pp. 644-652, 2011. (SCI)

[28] Cheng-yi Zhang, Shuanghua Luo and Aiqun Huang and Junxiang Lu. The eigenvalue distribution of block diagonally dominant matrices and block H-matrices, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 20: 621-639, 2010.   (SCI)

[29] Cheng-yi Zhang, Shuanghua Luo, Fengmin Xu and Chengxian Xu. The eigenvalue distribution on Schur      complement of nonstrictly diagonally dominant matrices and general H-matrices, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 18: 801-820, 2009.   (SCI)

[30] Cheng-yi Zhang and Michele Benzi, P-regular Splitting Iterative Methods for Non- Hermitian Positive Definite Linear Systems, ETNA (Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis,), 36:39-53, 2009-2010.  (SCI, EI)

[31] Cheng-yi Zhang. On convergence of double splitting methods for non-Hermitian positive semidefinite linear systems, Calcolo, 47(2): 103-112, 2009.   (SCI)

[32] Cheng-yi Zhang, Chengxian Xu, Shuanghua Luo. Convergence of block iterative methods for linear systems with generalized H-matrices, Journal of Computational and Applied mathematics, 229(1): 70-84, 2009.

   (SCI, EI)

[33] Cheng-yi Zhang, Shuanghua Luo, Chengxian Xu. Schur complements of generally diagonally dominant matrices and criterion for irreducibility of matrices, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 18: 69-87, 2009. (SCI)

[34] Cheng-yi Zhang, Chengxian Xu, Yao-tang Li. The Eigenvalue Distribution on Schur Complements of H-matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 422: 250-264, 2007.   (SCI, EI)

[35] Cheng-yi Zhang, Yao-tang Li, Feng Chen. On Schur complements of block diagonally dominant matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 414: 533-546, 2006.  (SCI, EI)



[1] 英文专著

Cheng-yi Zhang, New Advances in Research on H-matrices (H-矩阵研究的新进展), Science Press (科学出版社),  2017. 9; ISBN: 978-7-03-054339.

[2] 译著

孙强,张成毅译, (法) 奥利维尔·勒卓瑞,(美)利奥·格雷迪著,图像处理和分析的图模型:理论与应用,国防工业出版社,书号978-7-118-10967-2出版时间2016年11月,页数477,字数585万.




[1] 主持国家自然科学基金项目“对称张量特征值问题的高性能算法、理论及应用”(11201362);

[2] 主持陕西省自然科学专项基金“基于几何度量多体量子态纠缠问题的量子特征值的理论和算法研究”(2016JM1009);

[3] 主持中国博士后科学基金“几类特殊张量的若干特征值问题”(20110491668);

[4] 主持陕西省教育厅科研专项项目“高阶张量奇异值的算法、理论及其在多体量子态纠缠研究中的应用”(2017JK0344);

[5] 主持陕西省教育厅科研专项项目“张量特征值的理论和算法研究”(2013JK0593);

[6] 主持陕西省教育厅科研专项项目“大型病态线性方程组的数值求解算法的研究”(2011JK0492);

[7]  2014年入选“西安工程大学青年学术骨干支持计划 ”(2015-2017年度);

[8] 以第二参与人身份参与国家自然科学基金“测量值相关的稀疏信号可重构研究”(11271297);

[9] 参与国家自然科学基金“基于非次模势函数的贪婪近似算法的设计与分析”(11271297);

[10] 参与国家自然科学基金“亲(互惠)选择不起作用时,利他性合作的演化动力及系统维持机制”(30670272);




[1] 美国《数学评论》评论员(90562);

[2] 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会经济数学与管理数学分会常务理事.




[1] 2011年11月,获“陕西省高校数学青年教师讲课示范奖”;

[2] 2014年1月,获陕西高等学校科学技术奖二等奖(第一完成人);

[3] 2014年9月,获“西安工程大学优秀教师”荣誉称号。

[4] 2015年1月,获香港桑麻奖教金。

[5] 2016年8月,获中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会经济数学与管理数学分会2016年学术年会优秀论文二等奖。

[6] 2017年7月,获第十三届西安工程大学优秀硕士论文指导奖。

[7] 2018年8月,获中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会经济数学与管理数学分会2018年学术年会优秀教材二等奖。


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