贾智杰 助理教授 |
工作地点:财经主楼615 |
Email:zjjia_cn@163.com |
教育经历(Education Background):
From September 2017 to June 2021, Ph.D. (Tutor: Professor Lin Boqiang), China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy, Xiamen University, excellent graduate;
From September 2014 to April 2017, master (Tutor: Professor Li Wei), Department of Economics and mMnagement, North China Electric Power University, excellent graduate;
From September 2010 to June 2014, bachelor, Department of economics and management, North China Electric Power University.
工作经历(Working Experience):
July 2021 to present , Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Finance, Xi’an Jiaotong University.
研究方向(Research Interests):
Energy and environment economics and the policy.
科研论文(Paper Publication):
Published more than 20 Chinese best / SSCI / SCI indexed journals, h index 14, cited 650 times in English and 30 times in Chinese.
[1] Zhou Y., Yang J., Jia Z.*. Optimizing energy efficiency investments in steel firms: A real options model considering carbon trading and tax cuts during challenging economic conditions. Resources Policy 2023;85:104042.
[2] Jia Z., Lin, B. Liu, X. Rethinking the equity and efficiency of carbon tax: A novel perspective. Applied Energy 2023;346:121347.
[3] Jia Z., Lin, B. Primary fossil energy cost and price regulation in energy processing sectors---the perspective of price regulation market with Chinese characteristics. Resources Policy 2023;83, 103641.
[4] 贾智杰, 林伯强, 温师燕. 碳排放权交易试点与全要素生产率———兼论波特假说、技术溢出与污染天堂. 经济学动态 2023;03:52-72.
[5] Jia Z., Wen S., Wang Y. Power coming from the sky: Economic benefits of inter-regional power transmission in China. Energy Economics 2023;119:106544.
[6] Jia Z. The hidden benefit: Emission trading scheme and business performance of downstream enterprises. Energy Economics 2023;117:106488.
[7] Jia Z., Lin B., Wen S. Electricity market Reform: The perspective of price regulation and carbon neutrality. Applied Energy 2022;328:120164.
[8] Jia, Z. What kind of enterprises and residents bear more responsibilities in carbon trading? A step-by-step analysis based on the CGE model.. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 2023;98:106950.(2023-07 ESI HIGHLY CITED PAPER)
[9] Wen, S., Jia, Z.*. Resource curse or resource blessing : Perspective on the nonlinear and regional relationships in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022;371:133491.
[10] Jia Z., Wen S., Liu Y. China’s urban-rural inequality caused by carbon neutrality: A perspective from carbon footprint and decomposed social welfare. Energy Economics 2022;113:106193.
[11] 贾智杰,林伯强. 国有企业、价格管制与经济稳定——来自中国特色汽柴油市场的视角.. 中国·人口资源与环境 2022;32(07).
[12] Jia Z., Lin, B. CEEEA2.0 model: A dynamic CGE model for energy-environment-economy analysis with available data and code. Energy Economics 2022;112:106117. (2023-05 ESI HIGHLY CITED PAPER)
[13] Wen S., Jia Z*. The energy, environment and economy impact of coal resource tax, renewable investment, and total factor productivity growth. Resources Policy 2022;77:102742.
[14] 贾智杰, 温师燕, 朱润清. 碳排放权交易与全要素碳效率——来自我国碳交易试点的证据. 厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 2022;72,21–34.
[15] Wen S, Jia Z*, Chen X. Can low-carbon city pilot policies significantly improve carbon emission efficiency? Empirical evidence from China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022;346:131131 (2022-11 ESI HIGHLY CITED PAPER)
[16] Jia Z., Lin B. Is the rebound effect useless? A case study on the technological progress of the power industry. Energy 2022;248:123570.
[17] Jia Z.*, Wen S., Sun Z. Current relationship between coal consumption and the economic development and China’s future carbon mitigation policies. Energy Policy 2022;162:112812. (2022-11 ESI HIGHLY CITED PAPER)
[18] Jia Z., Lin B. How to achieve the first step of the carbon-neutrality 2060 target in China: The coal substitution perspective. Energy 2021;233:121179. (2022-05 ESI HIGHLY CITED PAPER; 2022-09 ESI HOT PAPER)
[19] Jia Z., Wen S, Lin B. The effects and reacts of COVID-19 pandemic and international oil price on energy, economy, and environment in China. Applied Energy 2021;302:117612.
[20] Lin B, Jia Z, Song M. Economic Impact of Information Industry Development and Investment Strategy for Information Industry. Journal of Global Information Management 2021;29:22–43.
[21] Jia Z, Lin B. Rethinking the choice of carbon tax and carbon trading in China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2020;159:120187. (2023-01 ESI HIGHLY CITED PAPER)
[22] Lin B, Jia Z*. Supply control vs. demand control: why is resource tax more effective than carbon tax in reducing emissions? Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 2020;7:74.
[23] Lin B, Jia Z. Energy, economic and environmental impact of government fines in China’s carbon trading scheme. Science of the Total Environment 2019;667:658–70.
[24] Jia Z., Lin B. The impact of removing cross subsidies in electric power industry in China: Welfare, economy, and CO2 emission. Energy Policy 2021;148:111994.
[25] 杨莉莎, 朱俊鹏, 贾智杰*. 中国碳减排实现的影响因素和当前挑战——基于技术进步的视角. 经济研究 2019;11:118–32.
[26] Lin B, Jia Z. What will China’s carbon emission trading market affect with only electricity sector involvement? A CGE based study. Energy Economics 2019;78:301–11. (2022-05 ESI HIGHLY CITED PAPER)
[27] Lin B, Jia Z*. Can Carbon Tax Complement Emission Trading Scheme? The Impact of Carbon Tax on Economy, Energy and Environment in China. Climate Change Economics 2020;11:2041002.
[28] Lin B, Jia Z. Does the different sectoral coverage matter? An analysis of China’s carbon trading market. Energy Policy 2020;137:111164.
[29] Lin B, Jia Z. Why do we suggest small sectoral coverage in China’s carbon trading market? Journal of Cleaner Production 2020;257:120557.
[30] Lin B, Jia Z. Is emission trading scheme an opportunity for renewable energy in China? A perspective of ETS revenue redistributions. Applied Energy 2020;263:114605.
[31] Lin B, Jia Z. Impacts of carbon price level in carbon emission trading market. Applied Energy 2019;239:157–70.
[32] Lin B, Jia Z. Economic, energy and environmental impact of coal-to-electricity policy in China: A dynamic recursive CGE study. Science of the Total Environment 2020;698:134241. (2021-09 ESI HIGHLY CITED PAPER)
[33] Lin B, Jia Z*. How does tax system on energy industries affect energy demand, CO2 emissions, and economy in China? Energy Economics 2019;84:104496.
[34] Lin B, Jia Z. Tax rate, government revenue and economic performance: A perspective of Laffer curve. China Economic Review 2019;56:101307.
[35] Zhang L, Li Y, Jia Z. Impact of carbon allowance allocation on power industry in China’s carbon trading market: Computable general equilibrium based analysis. Applied Energy 2018;229:814–27.
[36] Lin B, Jia Z. Transfer payments in emission trading markets: A perspective of rural and urban residents in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018;204:753–66.
[37] Lin B, Jia Z. What are the main factors affecting carbon price in Emission Trading Scheme? A case study in China. Science of the Total Environment 2019;654:525–34.
[38] Lin B, Jia Z. The energy, environmental and economic impacts of carbon tax rate and taxation industry: A CGE based study in China. Energy 2018;159:558–68.
[39] Lin B, Jia Z. The impact of Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and the choice of coverage industry in ETS: A case study in China. Applied Energy 2017;205:1512–27.
[40] Lin B, Jia Z. Impact of quota decline scheme of emission trading in China: A dynamic recursive CGE model. Energy 2018;149:190–203.
[41] Li W, Jia Z, Zhang H. The impact of electric vehicles and CCS in the context of emission trading scheme in China: A CGE-based analysis. Energy 2017;119:800–16.
[42] Li W, Jia Z. The impact of emission trading scheme and the ratio of free quota: A dynamic recursive CGE model in China. Applied Energy 2016;174:1–14. (2019-09 ESI HIGHLY CITED PAPER)
[43] Li W, Jia Z. Carbon tax, emission trading, or the mixed policy: which is the most effective strategy for climate change mitigation in China? Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 2017;22:973–92.
学术兼职(Research Responsibilities):
1.The International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE),会员(membership);
2.Special Issue (Frontier of Sustainable Development: Environmental Impact Assessment and Green Energy Economy) in Sustainability,客座编辑(Guest Editor);
3.中国能源协会专家委员会(Expert Committee of China Energy Association),委员(Commissioner)
3.SSCI期刊:Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, the Energy Journal, Energy Economics, Ecological Economics, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Energy Policy, China Economic Review, Economics Letters, Applied Economics, Business Strategy and the Environment, Land, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Climate Policy, Emerging Market Finance and Trade, Energy Strategy Review, Journal of Environmental Management, Contemporary Economic Policy, Resources Policy, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Journal of Global Information Management, International Review of Economics And Finance, Carbon Management, Sustainable Production and Consumption, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, African Development Review, Economic Analysis and Policy, Finance Research Letters, Journal of Regional Science,Managerial and Decision Economics, Economic Systems Research等,审稿人(Reviewer);
4.SCI期刊Nature Energy, One Earth, Applied Energy, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Chemistry, Environmental Research, Journal of Environmental and Public Health, Scientific Reports, Plos One, Atmospheric Pollution Research等,审稿人(Reviewer)。
2021, the 14th excellent achievement award of Social Sciences in Fujian Province, first prize (Corresponding author)