2014.08-2018.07澳大利亚University of Wollongong数学与应用统计学院数理金融导师:Song-Ping Zhu (诸颂平)教授
2008.09-2012.06吉林大学数学与应用数学(主修)学士学位 保险精算(辅修)
2020.9-至今 西安交通大学经济与金融学院助理教授(西安交大“青秀”计划A类)
2019.7-2020.7 香港中文大学统计学院博士后研究员
2017.9-2019.7 澳大利亚University of Wollongong数学与统计学院助理研究员
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“考虑执行成本与信息成本下的动态最优投资问题研究” (72101199) 2022.-01至2024-12,30万元, 在研, 主持
2. 国家社会科学基金一般项目,“基于人工智能数据生成技术的国际大宗商品价格波动风险防控研究” (23BJY203),2023-09至2026-06,20万元,在研,参与
3. 中国建设银行重大应急项目金融支持科技自立自强战略研究(SKH2021224)参与 结题 2021.07-2023.07
4. 中国建设银行研究院横向项目数字金融支持制造业高质量发展战略研究 参与,在研2024.02-2024.12
5. 中央高校基本科研业务费自由探索和自主创新项目“资产管理中的动态委托代理问题研究——基于随机最优控制方法和相对绩效评价” (SK2021019)主持 结题 (结项被评为“优秀”) 2021.01-2022.12.
6. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目“风险管理与大数据风控实训课程建设”(202102525010),主持 2021.
7. 澳大利亚基金委项目(Australian Research Council)“The role of liquidity in financial market ”(DP170101227)参与结题2017-2019
8. 澳大利亚基金委项目(Australian Research Council)“ The effect of bans on short selling: a comprehensive study”(DP140102076)参与结题2014-2016
四、论文发表* 通讯作者 IF(影响因子), ABS (Association of Business Schools)
17. Jinhui Han, Xiaolong Li, Guiyuan Ma* and Adrian Patrick Kennedy (2023). Strategic trading with information acquisition and long-memory stochastic liquidity, European Journal of Operational Research 308(1): 480-495 (IF:6.4, SCI检索期刊, ABS 四星).
16 Guiyuan Ma, Chi Chung Siu*, Sheung Chi Phillip Yam and Zeyu Zhou (2023). Dynamic trading with Markov liquidity switching, Automatica, 155, 111156. (IF:6.4, SCI,EI检索期刊).
15. Tingjin Yan, Jinhui Han, Guiyuan Ma and Chi Chung Siu* (2023). Dynamic asset-liability management with frictions, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics,111, 57-83 (IF:1.9, SCI,SSCI检索期刊, ABS 三星 ).
14. Alain Bensoussan, Guiyuan Ma,Chi Chung Siu and Sheung Chi Phillip Yam* (2022). Dynamic mean-variance problem with frictions, Finance and Stochastics 26, 267–300 . (IF:2.095, SSCI, SCI双检索期刊, ABS三星).
13. Jinhui Han, Guiyuan Ma* and Sheung Chi Phillip Yam (2022). Relative performance evaluation for dynamic contracts in a large competitive market, European Journal of Operational Research,302(2): 768-780 (IF:6.4, SCI检索期刊, ABS 四星 ).
12. Guiyuan Ma*, Chi Chung Siu and Song-Ping Zhu (2022). Portfolio choice with return predictability and small trading frictions, Economic Modelling 111, 105823. (IF:4.7, SSCI检索期刊, ABS二星 ) .
11. Guiyuan Ma*, Song-Ping Zhu and Ivan Guo (2022). Valuation of general contingent claims with short selling bans: an equal-risk pricing framework, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 25(04n05), 2250022. (IF:1.096, ESCI检索期刊, ABS二星 ) .
10. Guiyuan Ma* and Song-Ping Zhu (2022). Revisiting the Merton Problem: from HARA to CARA Utility, Computational Economics. 59:651-686 (IF:2.0, SSCI, SCI双检索期刊, ABS一星).
9. Ben-Zhang Yang, Xiaoping Lu*, Guiyuan Ma and Song-Ping Zhu (2020). Robust portfolio optimization with multi-factor stochastic volatility , Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 186:264–298 . (IF:2.249, SCI检索期刊, ABS 三星 ).
8. Guiyuan Ma*, Chi Chung Siu, Song-Ping Zhu and Robert J. Elliott (2020). Optimal portfolio execution problem under stochastic price impact , Automatica 112, 108739. (IF:6.4, SCI,EI检索期刊).
7. Guiyuan Ma*, Chi Chung Siu and Song-Ping Zhu (2020). Optimal investment and consumption with return predictability and execution costs, Economic Modelling 88:408-419. (IF:4.7, SSCI检索期刊, ABS二星 ) .
6. Guiyuan Ma*, Song-Ping Zhu and Boda Kang (2020). A numerical solution of optimal portfolio selection problem with general utility functions, Computational Economics 55:957-981. (IF:2.0, SSCI, SCI双检索期刊, ABS一星).
5. Guiyuan Ma*, Chi Chung Siu and Song-Ping Zhu (2019). Dynamic portfolio selection with return predictability and transaction costs, European Journal of Operational Research 278(03): 976-988. (IF:6.4, SCI检索期刊, ABS 四星 ).
4. Guiyuan Ma* and Song-Ping Zhu (2019). Optimal investment and consumption under a continuous-time cointegration model with exponential utility, Quantitative Finance 19(07):1135-1149. (IF:2.222, SCI, SSCI双检索期刊, ABS 三星).
3. Guiyuan Ma*, Song-Ping Zhu and Wenting Chen (2019). Pricing European call options under a hard-to-borrow stock model, Applied Mathematics and Computation 357: 243-257. (IF:4.397, SCI检索期刊).
2. Guiyuan Ma* and Song-Ping Zhu (2018). Pricing American call options under a hard-to-borrow stock model, European Journal of Applied Mathematics 29(03): 494-514. (IF:1.413 , SCI检索期刊).
1. Song-Ping Zhu* and Guiyuan Ma (2018). An analytical solution for the HJB equation arising from the Merton Problem. International Journal of Financial Engineering. 5(01) 1850008. (IF: 1.429 JCR经济分区: 137/219 ESCI检索期刊, ABS二星)
2023.11.10 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会经济数学与管理数学分会 学术年会 舟山
2023.11.04 中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会第十二届学术年会 福州
2023.09.06 国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学与工程学科青年基金项目交流会 大连
2023.08.02 系统与控制数学2023学术研讨会 中国工业与应用数学协会 银川
2023.07.21 2023天府金融数学研讨会 西南财经大学成都
2023.04.07 中国运筹学会第十六届年会ORSC2023 湖南长沙
2022.11.12 CSIAM第二届金融数学与金融工程和精算保险研讨会 苏州大学
2022.07.14 The 25th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
(第25届保险:数学与经济学国际会议)中山大学岭南学院 广州
2022.06.15 The 11th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society,香港中文大学主办香港
2021.07.23 中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会第十届学术年会成都
2021.07.16 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会量化金融与保险分会学术年会洛阳
2020.10.06 随机与金融研讨会(Stochastics and Finance Seminar)悉尼大学数学学院
2020.01.06 The 2nd International Symposium on Partial Differential Equations & Stochastic Analysis in Mathematical Finance 清华数学中心 三亚海南
2019.02.06 ANZIAM Conference Nelson, New Zealand.
2018.04.27 The Fourth Young Researchers Meeting on BSDEs, Nonlinear Expectations and Mathematical Finance 上海
European Journal of Operational Research、Insurance Mathematics and Economics、Automatica、International Review of Economics and Finance、Economic Modelling、Quantitative Finance、Computatinal Economics、Asia-Pacific Financial Markets、Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization、Quantitative Finance and Economics、Financial Innovation、Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences、Advances in Difference Euqaiton、Differential Equation and Dynamical Systems、Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization、The ANZIAM Journal、《当代经济科学》
2022-2023学年荣获西安交通大学“优秀班主任”荣誉称号 西安交通大学
2020 荣获西安交通大学校友剑冰青年拔尖人才奖励基金 西安交通大学
2018 Examiner's Commendation for Outstanding Thesis(最佳博士论文提名奖)University of Wollongong, Australia.
2014 Discovery Project University Postgraduate Award(澳大利亚政府博士生全额奖学金)University of Wollongong, Australia. International Postgraduate Tuition Award University of Wollongong, Australia.
2013 Outstanding scholarship for graduate students Fudan University, China.
2012 Scholarship for new graduate students Fudan University, China.
2011 National Endeavour Fellowship(国家励志奖学金)Jilin University, China.
2010 National Endeavour Fellowship(国家励志奖学金)Jilin University, China.
2009 National Scholarship(国家奖学金)Jilin University, China.