徐 晓 瑜 副教授 |
工作地点:财经主楼 |
邮 箱:xuxiaoyu@xjtu.edu.cn |
职称:副教授, 博士生导师
2010/02—2014/12,University of Turku (芬兰),Turku School of Economics,Information Systems Management, Doctor of Economics and Business Administration (博士)
2016/05-至今,西安交通大学,经济与金融学院电子商务系, 副教授,博士生导师
2015.01-2016.04 淘宝(中国)软件公司(阿里巴巴杭州总部),淘宝商家与规则部,运营
1) 国家社会科学基金青年项目,19CG066,《方法目的链视角下跨境电商消费者价值阶层模型和决策机制研究》
2) 陕西省软科学一般项目,2021KRM065, 2021/04-2022/04, 区域创新能力提升与影响因素研究。
3) 阿里巴巴研究院,阿里巴巴活水计划子课题《新兴零售业态及商业模式案例》2018.06-2018.12。
4) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2016M602838,2016/08-2019/07, 移动健康用户的使用及转移行为研究。
5) 芬兰国家经济基金项目,中国社交游戏玩家的持续使用行为研究,2014/02-2014/08。
6) 图尔库大学校长科研基金项目,中国社交游戏玩家的转移行为研究,2014/02-2014/08。
7) 芬兰COSMAS研究生院科研基金项目,互联网信用体系研究,2010/09-2010/12。
1) Exploring viewer participation in online video game streaming: A mixed-methods approach. International Journal of Information Management, (2021), 58(3). 第一作者
2) How the Intensity of The Immersive Experience Impels the Extent of Social Streaming App Dependency? An empirical assessment with mediation and moderation effects. Telematics and Informatics, (2021). 第一作者
3) Understanding the Complexity of Regional Innovation Capacity Dynamics in China: From the Perspective of Hidden Markov Model. Sustainability, (2021), 13(4). 共同一作
4) The Investigation of Mobile Health Stickiness: The Role of Social Support in a Sustainable Health Approach. Sustainability, (2021),13(4). 通讯作者
5) The Migration of Viewers in Gaming Streaming: The Perspective of a Push-Pull-Mooring Model. International journal of human computer interaction. 2021(6):1-17. 第一作者
6) Exploring the Differential Effects of Online Reviews on Film's Box-Office Success: Source Identity and Brand Equity From an Integrated Perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, (2021) 11, 217.
7) Hierarchical value-attainment paths of CBEC consumers: a means-end-chain perspective. Internet Research, (2020),31(2) 699-736. 第一作者
8) What Drives Consumer Shopping Behavior in Live Streaming Commerce?. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, (2020), 21. (3)144-167. 第一作者
9) Exploring Determinants of Consumers’ Platform Usage in “Double Eleven” Shopping Carnival in China: Cognition and Emotion from an Integrated Perspective. Sustainability, (2020),12(7). 第一作者
10) Omnichannel retailing: The role of situational involvement in facilitating consumer experiences. Information & Management, (2020), 57(8).
11) 中国创新要素集聚能力的时空格局与动态演化. 科技进步与对策, (2021). 通讯作者。
12) 政府“治理效率”差异性视角下中国创意阶层发展研究[J].管理学刊, 2019, 32(01), 20-33。
13) 电商直播观众的信息处理及购买意愿研究. 管理学报杂志, (2021),通讯作者。
14) The impact of informational incentives and social influence on consumer behavior during Alibaba’s online shopping carnival. Computers in Human Behavior, (2017), 76,245-254. 第一作者。
15) Modeling hedonic IS continuance through the uses and gratifications theory: an empirical study in online games. Computers in Human Behavior, (2015), 48. 261-272. ISSN 0747-563.
16) Modeling consumer switching behavior in social network games by exploring consumer cognitive dissonance and change experience. Industrial Management & Data Systems, (2016), 116(4).
1) Xu X.Y.,Doctoral Dissertation: Understanding online game players’ post-adoption behavior: An investigation of Social Network Games in China. Publication of Turku School of Economics, Series A. 2014.ISBN 978-952-249-366-8 (Print) ,978-952-249-367-5(PDF) ; ISSN: 0357-4652(印刷版, Print),1459-4870(PDF)
1) 国际期刊International journal of electronic business(EI检索),执行主编。
2) 担任多个SSCI期刊的评阅人,包括ECR, ECRA, ITP, CHB, IJIM, T&I等国际知名学术期刊。
3) 担任多个高水平国际会议的副主编及Track chair, 例如PACIS,ICEB等。