惠 永 昌 副教授 |
工作地点: 教学楼927
Email: huiyc180@xjtu.edu.cn |
2003/09-2007/07 东北师范大学,数学与统计学院,统计学基地班,学士
2008/09-2013/07 东北师范大学,数学与统计学院,概率论与数理统计,博士
2013/07-2017/07 西安交通大学,数学与统计学院,讲师
2017/07-2022/09 西安交通大学,数学与统计学院,副教授
2022/10至今 西安交通大学,经济与金融学院,副教授
项目名称 起止年月 项目来源主持/参与
时间序列非线性及非线性相关的 2015/01—2017/12 国家自然科学基金 主持
检验及其大样本性质 青年项目
图像回归理论及其应用 2015/01—2016/12 西安交通大学 主持
大数据的统计学基础与分析方法 2017/01—2021/12 国家自然科学基金 参与
特高压输电线路对工业电雷管危 2017/04—2018/06 中国兵器集团 主持
基于能力的性能试验评估理论方 2020/01—2022/03 中国飞行试验研究院 主持
2021年信息系统服务-设备资 2021/04—2021/12壹玖捌捌电力科技发 主持
Prospect Performance Evaluation: Making a Case for a Non-Asymptotic UMPU Test,Journal of Financial Econometrics, 10(4), 703-732. (2012, SSCI)
Recursive Risk Measures Under Regime Switching and Application in Portfolio Selection,Quantitative Finance,17(9), 1457-1476. (2017, SSCI)
Convex Risk Measures Based on Generalized Lower Deviation and Their Applications,International Review of Financial Analysis,52, 27-37. (2017, SSCI)
Portfolio selection through Maslows need hierarchy theory,Applied Economics,51(4), 364-372. (2019, SSCI)
Market liberalizations and efficiency in Latin America,Studies in Economics and Finance,33(4), 553-575. (2016,ESCI)
Spurious Relationships For Nearly Non-stationary Series,Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Accepted.(ESCI)
Mean Variance Analysis of Asian Hedge Funds, Chapter 24,Handbookof Asian Finance, Elsevier. (2015,专著章节)
Internet Bubble Examination with Mean-Variance Ratio, Chapter 24,Handbook of Financial Econometrics & Statistics, Springer. (2015,专著章节)
A New Nonlinearity Test to Circumvent the Limitation of Volterra Expansion with Application,Journal of the Korean Statistical Society,46,365-374. (2017, SCI, )
Testing covariance structure of large-dimensional data based on Wald's score test,Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 6(3), 1-17. (2017,SCI)
A modified BDS test,Statistics and Probability Letters, 164, 108794. (2020, SCI)
Could significant regression be treated as insignificant: an anomaly in statistics?Communications in Statistics: Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications,Accepted.(ESCI)