<BR> 学术讲座<BR> <BR> <BR> &bsp; 题 目:《实验经济学研究方法及其应用》<BR> 报告人:陈岩 教授<BR> 美国密西根大学<BR> 时 间:2010年8月31日(星期二)下午3:00<BR> 地 点:交大财经校区教学楼8楼学术报告厅<BR>附:<BR> 陈岩(Yan Chen)现为美国密西根大学经济学教授,主要研究领域为实验经济学、机制设计和信息经济学。陈岩教授1988年于清华大学获得学士学位,1995年于美国加州理工学院(Caltech)获得博士学位,1994年起在密西根大学经济系任职,2008年起任教授职位。陈岩教授目前担任美国经济科学协会(ESA)执行主席,Economic Inquiry的副主编(2008-)、 Experimental Economics的副主编(2004-)、Management Science的副主编(2009-),并且担任American Economic Review等著名国际学术期刊的审稿人。陈岩教授是实验经济学领域的知名国际学者,具有较高的国际学术声望,其研究成果发表于《美国经济评论》等国际著名学术期刊,近年的部分研究论文包括:<BR>l Chen, Yan and Xin Li. Group Identity and Social Preference. American Economic Review, 99:1 (2009):431-457.<BR>l Chen,Yan,Peter Katuscak and Emre Ozdenoren. Sealed Bid Auctions with Ambiguity: Theory and Experiments. Journal of Economic Theory, 136 (2007):513-535.<BR>l Chen, Yan, Laura Razzolini and Theodore Turocy. Congestion and Cost Allocation in Distributed Networks: An Experimental Study. Economic Theory, 33 (2007):121-143.<BR>l Chen, Yan and Tayfun Sonmez. School Choice: An Experimental Study. Journal of Economic Theory, 127 (2006):202-231.<BR>l Chen, Yan and Robert Gazzale. When Does Learning in Games Generates Convergence to Nash Equilibrium? The Role of Supermodularity in an Experimental Setting. American Economic Review, vol.94, No.5 (December2004):1505-1535.<BR>l Chen, Yan. An Experimental Study of the Serial and Average Cost Pricing Mechanisms. Journal of Public Economics, vol.87, Issues9-10 (September2003):2305-2335.<BR>l Chen,Yan and Yuri Khoroshilov. Learning under Limited Information. Games and Economic Behavior, vol.44(July2003):1-25.<BR>l Chen,Yan and Tayfun Sonmez. Improving Eciency of On-Campus Housing: An Experimental Study. American Economic Review , vol.92, no.5 (December, 2002): 1669-1686.<BR> <BR> <BR> 院科研教学部<BR> 2010.8.30<BR>