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Department of Industry and Trade Economics

发布时间:2022-05-12 点击: 分享到:

Department of Industry and Trade Economics

Department Head:Xiuyun YANGParty Branch SecretaryLin SONG

Tel.029-82657240Address724#, School of Economics and Finance, Yanta Campus, XJTU.

The Department of Industry and Trade Economics currently has 20 faculties, including 12 professors, 6 associate professors, and 2 assistant professors. All faculties are Ph.D.and 2 of themgraduatedoverseas. 80% of the faculties have overseas study experience. Faculties in the department were awarded many honors, including1 Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributionsto the Nation, 1 Expertin the Appraisal Group (Applied Economics Discipline) of the State Council Academic Degrees Committee, 1 Leading Talent of Xi’an Jiaotong University, 1 Young Scholarin the Yangtze River Program, 1 Young Top-notch Talentin the National Ten Thousand Talents Program, 1 Chair Professor in the Yangtze River Program, 2grantees of “The New Century Excellent Talents Support Programof the Ministry of Education”, 1 Distinguished Overseas Chair Professor,3 Young Top Talents (A-class)of Xi’an Jiaotong University,2 Hong Kong Wang Kuancheng Award winners.

The departmentdedicates to promote researchon new industries and trade activities in the digital economy era,

such as Industrial Chain Extension and Trade Activities, Innovation-driven Strategy and Industrial Upgrading, Industrial Development and Regional Market Integration, Industrial Efficiency Evaluation and Industrial Policy, Industrial Structure and Policy , Industrial Organization and Government Regulation, Energy and Environmental Economics and Management, Enterprise Innovation and Growth, Contract Theory and Modern Corporate Governance, Capital Market and Corporate Governance, Corporate Finance and Industrial Organization Growth, Circulation Industry and Trade Policy, Technological Innovation Spillover and Technological Resources Management, Logistics Industry and Auction System Design, etc.

The Trade Economics program for undergraduates offered by the department is awarded as a “first-classmajor”by Shaanxi Province,while the Industrial Economicsprogram is the onlyidentified national key discipline of Industrial Economics in western China. Education and student programs in the departmentcover undergraduates and postgraduates (Master and Ph.D. candidates). Based on theorientation “taking root in western China, giving service to the country, and striving to be the world-class”, the department will continue to advance its talent cultivation byguiding studentsto learn solid economics and management theories and methods,to proficiently apply the knowledge and modern information technologies to solvepractical problems,to meet the employment requirements of domestic and foreign enterprises and institutions, national government departments, consultingcompanies, evaluation intermediaries and financial institutions, etc. Graduates from the department are aimed to be innovative, compound and applied modern economic senior professionals with strong competitiveness.

Courses for undergraduatesin the department include: Strategic Management, Circulation Economics, Marketing, Consumption Economics, Modern Logistics Management, Digital Marketing, Price, Public Relations, Investment Evaluation, Behavioral Economic Analysis, Economic Game Theory, Corporate Governance, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Theory and Practice of Futures, Digital Economy and Auction, etc.

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