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2019年06月10日 09:39  点击:[]

   张慧明    讲 师

   工作地点:财经主楼 615#

   邮    箱:zhanghm@mail.xjtu.edu.cn



2003.9--2007.7 空军工程大学理学院,电子信息工程,学士

2007.9--2010.7 西安电子科技大学软件工程学院,软件工程,硕士

2008.9--2009.9 早稻田大学情报生产系统大学院,经营工学研究室(金融工程方向),硕士

2014.2--2019.3 早稻田大学情报生产系统大学院,经营工学研究室(金融工程方向),博士


2010.8--2013.12 电信科学技术第十研究所,大数据分析研发岗,助理工程师

2015.9--2019.4  早稻田大学情报生产系统研究中心,助理研究员

2019.5—至今   西安交通大学经济与金融学院,银行信息管理系,讲师





模糊集理论,无限纯跳 Levy 过程,投资组合优化,期权定价模型,敏感性分析,启发式算法,中国期权市场实证研究, 数学外推法。



1. Huiming Zhang, Junzo Watada, “An analysis of the arbitrage efficiency of the Chinese SSE 50ETF options market”, International Review of Economics & Finance, Vol.59, pp.474-489, January 2019. (SSCI二区, ABS 2星)

2. Huiming Zhang, Junzo Watada, “ A European Call Option Pricing Model Using the Infinite Pure Jump Levy Process in a Fuzzy Environment ”, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, TEEE C (Electronics, Information and Systems), Vol.13, NO.10, pp.1-15, October 2018. (SCI)

3. Huiming Zhang, Junzo Watada, “ Fuzzy Levy-GJR-GARCH American Option Pricing Model Based on an Infinite Pure Jump Process ”, IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems, Vol. E101-D, No.7, pp.1843-1859, July 2018. (SCI)

4. Huiming Zhang, Junzo Watada, “Sensitivity-Based Fuzzy Multi-Objective Portfolio Model with Value-at-Risk ”, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, TEEE C (Electronics, Information and Systems), accepted. (SCI)



1. Huiming Zhang, Junzo Watada, “ A Fuzzy Index Tracking Multi-Objective Approach to Stock Data Analytics ”, the 4th International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences (ICCOINS 2018), 6 pages, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13-14 August 2018. (ISI, SCOPUS)

2. Huiming Zhang, Junzo Watada, “ Building Fuzzy Variance Gamma Option Pricing Models with Jump Levy Process ”, the 9th International Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies 2017 (KES-IDT 2017), Springer, Cham, 2017. p.105-116., Vilamoura, Portugal, 21-23 June 2017. (SCOPUS, CPCI)

3. Haydee Melo, Huiming Zhang, Pandian Vasant and Junzo Watada, “ Training Method for a Feed Forward Neural Network Based on Meta-Heuristics ”, The Thirteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2017), Springer, Cham, 2017. p.378-385., Matsue, Shimane, Japan, 12-15 August 2017. (EI)

4. Junzo Watada, Huiming Zhang, Haydee Melo, Diqing Sun and Pandian Vasant, “ Boosted HOG Features and Its Application on Object Movement Detection ”, The Thirteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2017), Springer, Cham, 2017. p.340-348., Matsue, Shimane, Japan, 12-15 August 2017. (EI)

5. Junzo Watada, Huiming Zhang, Haydee melo, Jiaxi Wang and Pandian Vasant, “ SURF Algorithm-Based Panoramic Image Mosaic Application ”, The Thirteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2017), Springer, Cham, 2017. p.349-358., Matsue, Shimane, Japan, 12-15 August 2017. (EI)


基金: SGRS (Shale Gas Research Group from Petronas (Oil Company)),“A reliable computational intelligence (CI) scheme for prediction equilibrium water dew point of natural gas in TEG dehydration system”,2016--2021,参与人。








 美国金融协会(AFA, American Finance Association) 会员

 巴舍利尔金融学会(BFS, Bachelier Finance Society) 会员

 日本电气学会(IEEJ) 会员



 管理工程国际学会(ISME, International Society of Management Engineers), 组委会成员,

 KES国际学会(Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems) 会员

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