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2017年08月16日 09:53  点击:[]

 聂   鹏   研究员


 邮   箱:niepeng2017@mail.xjtu.edu.cn;niepeng1900@163.com



2012.09 – 2015.08 德国霍恩海姆大学, 获经济学博士学位 (summa cum laude)


2014.11 – 2014.12 澳大利亚阿德莱德大学全球食品与资源研究中心访问助理研究员

2015.11 – 2015.12 丹麦哥本哈根商学院管理、社会与交流系访问研究员

2015.08 – 2017.07 德国霍恩海姆大学健康护理与公共管理学院博士后研究员

2017.07 – 至今 西安交通大学经济与金融学院经济系,特聘研究员,博士生导师 (2017年7月入选西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才计划”)

2017.07 – 至今 德国霍恩海姆大学健康护理与公共管理学院高级访问研究员

2019.02 – 至今 西安交通大学全球健康研究院研究员

2021.03 – 至今 西安交通大学全球健康研究院老龄健康与老年医学研究中



· 健康经济学 (识别影响个人健康的社会经济因素;健康不平等的度量;生物标记物在健康经济学中的实际应用;健康老龄的度量及影响因素);

· 发展经济学 (家庭食品安全/食品不安全、5岁以下小孩营养不良);

· 主观幸福感 (识别影响主观幸福感的主要人口、社会和经济因素;互联网/智能手机使用与主观幸福感);

· 劳动经济学 (长时间工作、工作转换与工作满意度)


Labor History编委 (Taylor & Francis Online, JCR Q1, 2020-)

The Journal of the Economics of Ageing副主编 (Elsevier, JCR Q2, 2020-)

BMC Public Health编委 (Springer Nature, JCR Q1, 2019-)


2015年-2017年 健康经济学 (德国霍恩海姆大学经济学和健康管理学硕士研究生)

2017年 - 发展经济学 (西安交通大学经济与金融学院本科生)

2017年 - 发展经济学专题 (西安交通大学经济与金融学院研究生)

2018年 - 激励经济学 (西安交通大学经济与金融学院本科生)

2018年 高级微观经济学 (西安交通大学经济与金融学院博士研究生)

2019年 - 健康经济学 (西安交通大学经济与金融学院研究生)


2021.01 – 2024.12 “基于Roemer机会平等理论的我国老年人健康机会不平等测

度与分解研究” , 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 项目主持人

2020.06 – 2020.11 “Health and Economic Impact of NCDs linked to Tobacco,

Alcohol, and SSB Consumption in China” (funded by World Bank), 主要参与人

2019.01 – 2021.12 “城镇家庭住房贫困对居民身心健康的影响及内在机理研究” ,国家自然科学基金青年项目, 项目主持人

2017.07 – 2023.06 “西安交通大学青年拔尖人才启动资金”,项目主持人

2017.01 – 2019.12 “Health Burden and Health Care Facilities/Resources of Countries along the New Silk Road and Collaboration on Global Health”(funded by the US-based China Medical Board (CMB), grant no. CNL 16-262, US), 参与人

2012.03 – 2017.02 “I.Family StudyInvestigating the Determinants of Food Choice, Lifestyle and Health in European Children, Adolescents and Their Parents” (funded by the European Commission within the Seventh RTD Framework Programme Contract No. FP7 266044 (KBBE 2010-4),http://www.ifamilystudy.eu/), Co-PI of two subprojects of peer effects on individual body weight

2014.12 – 2015.11 “Internet Use and Subjective Well-Being in China”, one of granted research projects for Tuscany: A Global Laboratory for Quality of Life, Towards Expo 2015 (Feeding the Earth), Polo Lionello Bonfanti, Italy, 项目主持人

2014.02 – 2014.08 “Background Work for Region Aging Report: Paper on Subjective Well-being in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA)Region”, ECSPE-Europe and Central Asia Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, World Bank Project, Co-PI

2012.09 – 2015.08 “Innovation Research Funds on Health and Nutrition”, the Center for Gender and Nutrition, University of Hohenheim, Germany, PI


1. Nie, P.*and Sousa-Poza, A. (2014), “Maternal employment and childhood obesity in China: Evidence from China Health and Nutrition Survey”,Applied Economics, 46(20): 2418-2428. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2014.902025.

2. Nie, P.*, Otterbach, S., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2015), “Long work hours and health in China”,China Economic Review, 33: 212-229. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2015.02.004.

3. Nie, P.*, Sousa-Poza, A., and He, X.B. (2015), “Peer effects on childhood and adolescent obesity in China”,China Economic Review, 35: 47-69. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2015.06.002.

4. Nie, P.*, Sousa-Poza, A., and Xue, J.H. (2016), “Fuel for life: Domestic cooking fuels and women’s health in rural China”,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(8), 810. doi:10.3390/ijerph13080810.

5. Nie, P.*and Sousa-Poza, A. (2016), “A fresh look at calorie-income elasticities in China”,China Agricultural Economic Review, 8(1): 1-29. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/CAER-09-2014-0095.

6. Bauer, J., Levin, V., Boudet, A.M.,Nie, P.*, and Sousa-Poza, A. (2017), “Subjective well-being across lifespan in Europe and Central Asia”,Journal of Population Ageing, 10(2):125-158. doi: 10.1007/s12062-016-9148-0.

7. Nie, P.*, Nimrod, G., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2017), “Internet use and subjective well-being in China”,Social Indicators Research, 132(1): 489-516. doi: 10.1007/s11205-015-1227-8.

8. Nie, P.*, Gwozdz, W., Reisch, L.A. and Sousa-Poza, A. (2017), “Values, norms and peer effects on weight status”,Journal of Obesity, vol. 2017, Article ID 2849674. doi: 10.1155/2017/2849674.

9. Nie, P.*and Sousa-Poza, A. (2018), “Food insecurity among Europeans aged 50+”,Journal of Population Ageing, 11(2): 133-151. doi: 10.1007/s12062-017-9177-3.

10. Nie, P.* and Sousa-Poza, A. (2018), “Commute time and subjective well-being in urban China”,China Economic Review, 48: 188-204. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2016.03.002.

11. Nie, P.*, He, X.B., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2018), “Child loss and maternal wages in China”,Asian Population Studies, 14(1): 96-112.

doi: 10.1080/17441730.2017.1405552.

12. Nie, P.*, Alfonso León, A., Díaz Sánchez, M.E., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2018), “The rise in obesity in Cuba from 2001 to 2010: An analysis of National Survey on Risk Factors and Chronic Diseases data”,Economics & Human Biology, 28: 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.ehb.2017.11.003.

13. Reza Oskorouchi, H.*,Nie, P.and Sousa-Poza, A. (2018), “Floods and anemia of reproductive-age women in Afghanistan”,PLoS One13(2): e0191726. doi:https://doi.org/10.1371/journalpone.0191726.

14. Ma, W.L.*, Renwick, A.,Nie, P., Tang, J.J. and Cai, R. (2018), “Off-farm work, smartphone use and household income: Evidence from rural China”,China Economic Review, 52: 80-94. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2018.06.002.

15. Gwozdz, W.,Nie, P.*, and Sousa-Poza, A., et al. (2019), “Peer effects on weight status, dietary behavior and physical activity among teenagers in Europe – Findings from the I.Family Study”,Kyklos, 72(2): 270-296. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/kykl.12197.

16. Nie, P.*, Ding, L.L., Sousa-Poza, A. (2019), “Decomposing adult obesity trends in China (1991-2011)”,Economics & Human Biology, 34: 5-15. doi:


17. Nie, P.*, Rammohan, A., Gwozdz, W., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2019), “Changes in child nutrition in India: A decomposition approach”,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(10), 1815. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16101815.

18. Nie, P.*, Ding, L.L., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2019), “Obesity inequality and the changing shape of the bodyweight distribution in China”,China Economic Review,58: 101348. doi:http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2019.101348.

19. Zhang, X., Kaiser, M.,Nie, P., and Sousa-Poza, A.*(2019), “Why are Chinese workers so unhappy? A comparative cross-national analysis of job satisfaction, job expectations and job attributes”,PLoS ONE, 14(9): e0222715. doi: https://doi.org/ 10.1371/journal.pone.0222715.

20. Nie, P.*, Ding, L.L., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2020), “What Chinese workers value: An analysis of job satisfaction, job expectations and labor turnover in China”,Prague Economic Papers, 29(1): 85-104. doi: https://doi.org/10.18267/j.pep.726.

21. Ma, W.L.,Nie, P., Zhang, P.*, and Renwick, A. (2020), “Impact of Internet use on economic well-being of rural households: Evidence from China”,Review of Development Economics, 24: 503-523. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/rode.12645.

22. Nie, P.*, Ding, L.L., Alfonso León, A, Sousa-Poza, A. Xue, H., Jia, P., Wang, L., Díaz Sánchez, M.E., and Wang, Y.F. (2020), Socioeconomic position and health gradient in Cuba: Dimensions and mechanisms,BMC Public Health, 20: 866. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-08980-3.

23. Nie, P.*, Ma, W.L., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2020), “The relationship between smartphone use and subjective well-being in rural China”,Electronic Commerce Research(forthcoming). doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-020-09397-1.

24. Leng, C.X., Ma, W.L.*, Zhu, Z.K., andNie, P.(2020), “The relationship between happiness and consumption expenditure: Evidence from rural China”,Applied Research in Quality of Life(forthcoming). doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-020-09836-z.

25. Wei, J.X., Wu, Y., Zheng, J.G.,Nie, P., Jia, P.* and Wang, Y.F.* (2020), Neighborhood sidewalk access and childhood obesity,Obesity Reviews, 22(S1): e13057. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/obr.13057.

26. Lu, H.Y.*,Nie, P., and Qian, L. (2020). Do quarantine experiences and attitudes towards COVID-19 affect the distribution of mental health in China? A quantile regression analysis.Applied Research in Quality of Life(forthcoming, selected paper in the high-impact publications in Humanities & Social Sciences by Chinese researchers across Springer Nature). doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-020-09851-0.

27. Lu, H.Y.,Nie, P.*, and Sousa-Poza, A. (2021). The effect of parental educational expectations on adolescent subjective well-being and the moderating role of perceived academic pressure: Longitudinal evidence for China.Child Indicators Research, 14: 117–137. doi: 10.1007/s12187-020-09750-8.

28. Nie, P.*, Wang, L., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2021). Peer effects and fertility preference in China,TheSingapore Economic Review(forthcoming). doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0217590821500120.

29. Nie, P.*,Li, Y., Zhang, N., Sun, X.M., Xin, B. and Wang, Y.F. (2021). The change and correlates of healthy ageing in China: China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study 2011-2015,BMC Geriatrics, 21: 78. doi: 10.1186/s12877-021-02026-y.

30. Nie, P.*, Ding, L.L., Sousa-Poza, A., Alfonso León, A, Xue, H., Jia, P., Wang, L., and Wang, Y.F. (2021), Inequality of weight status in urban Cuba, 2001-2010,Population Health Metrics(forthcoming).

31. Ding, L.L., Jones, A.M., andNie, P.*(2021). Ex ante inequality of opportunity in health among the elderly in China: A distributional decomposition analysis of biomarkers.Review of Income and Wealth(forthcoming).

32. Zhang, N.*, Zhang, A. Q., Wang, L., andNie, P.(2021). Fine particulate matter, body weight and waist circumstances among older adults in China: Impacts and pathways,Health & Place(forthcoming).



· Bauer, J.,Nie, P., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2014), “Subjective well-being in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Region”, Background report forGolden Aging: Prospects for Healthy, Active, and Prosperous Aging in Europe and Central Asia, World Bank, Washington, D.C.

· Nie, P., Gwozdz, W., Reisch, L.A. (2016), “Report on Societal-Cultural Norms and Values and Peer Effects”, Bremen: University of Bremen, 22 p. (I.Family Project Deliverables, No. D7.3.1,http://research.cbs.dk/en/publications/report-on-societalcultural-norms-and-values-and-peer-effects(ece29f24-586d-4c5f-bc90-64c0ba003d7b).html)


· Nie, P.and Sousa-Poza, A. (2016), Food insecurity among older Europeans: Evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, Hohenheim Discussion Papers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, No. 03-2016. (https://wiso.uni-hohenheim.de/papers)

· Nie, P., Rammohan, A., Gwozdz, W., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2016), Developments in malnutrition in Indian children below 5 years: A decomposition analysis,IZADiscussion Paper No. 9893.


· Nie, P.and Sousa-Poza, A. (2017), What Chinese workers value: An analysis of job satisfaction, job expectations and labor turnover in China,IZADiscussion Paper No. 10963. (http://ftp.iza.org/dp10963.pdf)

· Nie, P.*, Ding, L.L., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2018), Obesity inequality and the changing shape of the bodyweight distribution in China, Hohenheim Discussion Papers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences 24-2018, University of Hohenheim, Germany. (https://ideas.repec.org/p/zbw/hohdps/242018.html)

· Nie, P., Li, Q., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2019), In search of China’s income-health gradient: A biomarker-based analysis,IZADiscussion Paper No. 12165. (http://ftp.iza.org/dp12165.pdf)

· Lu, H.Y. andNie, P.*, and Sousa-Poza, A. (2019). The effect of parental educational expectations on adolescent subjective well-being and the moderating role of perceived academic pressure: Longitudinal evidence for China.IZADiscussion Paper No. 12832. (http://ftp.iza.org/dp12832.pdf)

· Nie, P.*, Clark, A., D’Ambrosio, C., and Ding, L.L. (2020). Housing and income-related health inequality in urban China (1991-2015): The role of homeownership and housing conditions. Working Papers 524, ECINEQ, Society for the Study of Economic Inequality.

· Lu, H.Y.,Nie, P.*, and Qian, L. (2020). Do quarantine experiences and attitudes towards COVID-19 affect the distribution of psychological outcomes in China? A quantile regression analysis. GLO Discussion Paper No. 512.(https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/215740/1/GLO-DP-0512.pdf)

· Ding, L.L., Jones, A.M., andNie, P.*(2020). Ex ante inequality of opportunity in health among the elderly in China: A distributional decomposition of biomarkersIZADiscussion Paper No. 13292,http://ftp.iza.org/dp13292.pdf.

· Nie, P., Ding, L.L., and Jones, A.M.* (2020). Inequality of opportunity in bodyweight among middle-aged and older Chinese: A distributional approach.IZADiscussion Paper No. 13421,http://ftp.iza.org/dp13421.pdf.

· Nie, P.*, Wang, L., and Sousa-Poza, A. (2020). Peer effects and fertility preference in China.IZADiscussion Paper No. 13448,http://ftp.iza.org/dp13448.pdf.

· Ding, L.L., Fan, M.Y.*, andNie, P.(2021). Pollution and the decline in human cognition: Evidence from China. Available at SSRN:https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3792594.


1. 27/02/2021 – 28/02/2021, “19th Annual Mild Cognitive Impairment Symposium, Workshop and Forum”, The Wien Center for Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Disorders, Mount Sinai Medical Center and FLORIDA Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (online)

2. 23/01/2021,新冠疫情下的创新:中国银色经济与健康财富发展, 中国老年学和老年医学学会/清华大学深圳国际研究生院管理研究院 (线上会议)

3. 04/12/2020 – 06/12/2020, “第二十届中国经济学年会”, 北大汇丰商学院, 深圳

4. 05/12/2020,第三届健康经济学论坛, 中国健康经济学论坛组委会/复旦大学经济学院 (线上会议)

5. 30/11/2020 – 03/12/2020, “International Conference on The Economic and Social Impacts of Population Ageing: China in a Global Perspective”, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore; National Institute of Social Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Department of Sociology, Tsinghua University, China

6. 28/11/2020 – 29/11/2020,中国人口学会2020年年会:全面建成小康社会与人口发展, 中国人口学会,西安

7. 27/11/2020,中国卫生经济学会第二十三次年会, 中国卫生经济学学会,北京 (线上会议)

8. 19/11/2020,深度学习与统计学理论研讨会, 北京大学光华管理学院,北京

9. 14/11/2020,“2020第三届医药卫生体制改革与公共管理创新论坛, 首都医科大学国家医疗保障研究院,国家卫生健康委卫生发展研究中心,北京

10. 19/10/2020 – 20/10/2020, “IZA & Jacobs Center ONLINE Workshop: Consequences of COVID-19 for Child and Youth Development”, IZA, Germany; University of Zurich, Switzerland

11. 16/10/2020 – 18/10/2020,“2020年第五届医药卫生管理青年学者论坛, 中国医药卫生管理大学联盟、卫生政策与管理青年学者沙龙、西安交通大学公共政策与管理学院,西安 (口头报告)

12. 16/10/2020, “The World Food Day Colloquium 2020 “Future Agricultural and Food Systems: Ensuring Food Security During Crises”, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

13. 01/10/2020 – 03/10/2020, “VIRTUALBREAD/CEPR/STICERD/TCD Conference on Development Economics”, MIT, LSE, Bocconi, BREAD, CEPR, Princeton University and Trinity College Dublin

14. 26/09/2020 – 27/09/2020, “The 2020 Pacific Causal Inference Conference”, International Biometric Society – Chinese Region; Department of Biostatistics, Peking University; Center for Statistical Science, Peking University, China

15. 23/09/2020 – 25/09/2020, “5th IZA Workshop: The Economics of Education”, IZA, Germany

16. 19/09/2020 – 20/09/2020, “2020 Childhood Obesity & COVID-19 Prevention and Control International Symposium”, Global Health Institute, Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, Xi’an, China (organization committee and scientific committee member and cochair of COVID-19 session)

17. 10/09/2020 – 11/09/2020, “IZA Workshop: Labor Market Institutions”, IZA, Germany

18. 04/09/2020, “Chamberlain Seminar: Symposium on Sensitivity Analyses”, Stanford University, USA

19. 01/09/2020 – 04/09/2020, “2020 Jobs and Development Conference: Better Jobs for Development”, IZA; The World Bank; UNU-WIDER

20. 26/08/2020 – 30/08/2020, “The Ninth International Symposium of Quantitative Economics, 2020”, Jilin University, Changchun, China

21. 22/08/2020 – 24/08/2020, “13th China Economics Summer Institute”, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

22. 22/08/2020,食物系统与营养、健康可持续发展论坛, 国家卫生健康委国际交流与合作中心;中国食品科学技术学会 (“云”会议)

23. 16/08/2020,第二届Stata洞察数据科学研讨会, 武汉大学经济与管理学院 (“云”会议)

24. 13/08/2020 – 15/08/2020, “2020 CES North America Virtual Conference”, Chinese Economists Society

25. 14/08/2020, “Training Workshop on Data and Tools for Spatial Studies”, Chinese Economists Society; China Data Institute and Future Data Lab

26. 12/08/2020,第二十二届中国科协年会:区域协调发展论坛, 中国科学技术协会 (“云”会议)

27. 25/07/2020 – 26/07/2020,北大-林肯中心城市发展与土地政策青年论坛, 北京大学-林肯研究院城市发展与土地政策研究中心 (“云”会议)

28. 24/07/2020,第六届社会科学研究方法应用学术研讨会:新常态下的中国社会与发展, 北京大学社会科学研究方法暑期班和SAGE出版公司 (“云”会议)

29. 20/07/2020, “The 2020 CN-Healthcare Summit (CHS): Working Together towards A New Healthy Era”, CN-Healthcare

30. 18/07/2020,老龄经济学研讨会:迈向深度老龄化的中国经济, 中国老年学和老年医学学会老龄经济学分会 (“云”会议)

31. 12/07/2020,基于大数据的病种分值付费(Big Data Diagnosis-Intervention Packet)专家论坛, 首都医科大学国家医疗保障研究院 (“云”会议)

32. 11/07/2020,第二届青年统计学者论坛, 中国人民大学应用统计学院与应用统计科学研究中心 (“云”会议)

33. 09/07/2020, “European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) Digital Conference”, European Health Economics Association

34. 05/07/2020,“第二届中国教育财政研讨会”, 清华大学中国财政税收研究所和清华大学经济与管理学院 (“云”会议)

35. 04/07/2020,“建设国际一流老年友好宜居环境研讨会”, 中国人民大学首都发展与战略研究院和北京市老年学学会 (“云”会议)

36. 02/07/2020,“新冠肺炎疫情下“乡村振兴与脱贫攻坚””, 中国农业大学经济与管理学院 (“云”会议)

37. 24/06/20,“新冠疫情与公共卫生之治学术论坛”,中国人民大学公共管理学院 (“云”会议)

38. 23/06/2020, “Virtual PAA2020 Webinar-COVID 19-Data collection in Longitudinal Studies”, Population Association America, USA

39. 22/06/20,“新冠疫情冲击的理论回应与反思”,武汉大学经济发展研究中心和《经济评论》编辑部 (“云”会议)

40. 20/06/20,“第14次中国劳动经济学者论坛季会”,中国劳动经济学者论坛理事会 (“云”会议)

41. 18/06/2020,“教育、家庭与社会变迁”, 浙江大学社会学系 (“云”会议)

42. 13/06/2020 – 15/06/20,“第三届统计科学与大数据国际论坛”,山西财经大学统计学院 (“云”会议)

43. 05/06/2020 – 07/06/2020, “Third IESR-GLO Joint Conference”, IESR, Jinan University and GLO.

44. 02/06/2020,“新冠肺炎疫情下中国及全球食物与营养安全的重新思考”, 中国农业大学经济与管理学院 (“云”会议)

45. 31/05/2020, “中国家庭转变:理论前沿与实践经验”, 中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心 (“云”会议)

46. 15/05/2020, “论道乡村之疫情后的乡村治理与发展”, 中国农业大学乡村振兴研究院 (“云”会议)

47. 14/05/2020, “CHINATIV Online-Forum “Coronavirus: Krise oder Chance für die deutsch-chinesische Zusammenarbeit”, Hochschule für angewandtes Management, Germany

48. 08/05/2020, “Chamberlain Seminar: Symposium on Synthetic Control Methods”, Stanford University, USA

49. 05/05/2020, “城市大数据人工智能研讨会”, 清华大学中国城市研究院 (“云”会议)

50. 30/04/2020 – 02/05/2020, “EPIC China Education Forum: Understanding Changes in China’s Education Landscape”, Stanford University, USA

51. 25/04/2020,“疫情全球蔓延与世界经济发展新态势云端学术研讨会”, 复旦大学世界经济研究所

52. 24/04/2020, “Becker Friedman Institute China (BFI-China)-Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER) Virtual SeminarCOVID-19 and Economics: China, Asia and Beyond”, Becker Friedman Institute China (BFI-China)

53. 22/04/2020, “Online Forum on Addressing Mental Health During the Covid-19 Outbreak in Africa as Health Care Systems Brace for a Battering”, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, USA

54. 18/04/2020, “疫情防控常态下的超大城市治理”, 中国人民大学首都发展与战略研究院 (“云”会议)

55. 11/04/2020, “城市生命体——超大城市治理现代化的路径和方法网络学术研讨会”,上海交通大学中国城市治理研究院/国际与公共事务学院 (“云”会议)

56. 09/04/2020, “Economic Approaches for Analysing the Short, Medium Term and Long Run Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis”, Royal Economic Society, UK

57. 09/04/2020, “COVID-19 Lessons Learned from China: Disease Management, Clinical Research and Health Policy”, Yale School of Public Health, USA

58. 05/04/2020, “戮力抗疫、共克时艰——卫生统计学科的作用与担当”,中国卫生信息与健康医疗大数据学会统计理论与方法专业委员会和卫生统计学教育专业委员会 (“云”会议)

59. 18/03/2020 – 21/03/2020, “Well-Being 2020: Knowledge for Informed Decisions”, STATEC Research, rue Erasme, Luxembourg

60. 15/03/2020,科学抗疫、统计担当全国统计科学线上高端论坛,中国现场统计研究会、全国 工业统计学教学研究会、中国商业统计学会、北京应用统计学会和北京大数据协会 (“云”会议)

61. 04/12/2019, “The Workshop on Doing Research in China”, Research Center in China-Competence in Hohenheim, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

62. 15/11/2019, “2019 China Health Economics Youth Forum”, China Health Economics Association, Beijing, China

63. 24/10/2019 – 26/10/2019, “Humboldt Colloquium Bonds of Trust – Shaping the Sino-German Research Network of the Future”, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Beijing, China

64. 13/09/2019 – 16/09/2019, “The Third Belt & Road Initiative Global Health International Congress & 2019 Global Health Forum of the University of Alliance of the Silk Road”, Global Health Institute (GHI), Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China (organization committee member, co-chair of Young Scholar Forum)

65. 26/08/2019 – 27/08/2019, “2019 International Conference of Social Computing”, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

66. 08/07/2019 – 10/07/2019, “2019 Workshop on Multilevel Systems-oriented Childhood Obesity Study In China”, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanjing, China

67. 07/06/2019 – 09/06/2019, “Population Health and Public Governance: The Second Asian Conference on Population and Development (ACPD)”, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

68. 03/06/2019 – 05/06/2019, “Empirical Strategies' Workshop: Empirical Strategies with Chinese Characteristics”, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China

69. 24/05/2019 – 25/05/2019, “The Second China Health Economics Forum”, Southeastern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China

70. 09/05/2019 – 11/05/2019, “Sino-UK Health Forum: Health-Care Reform in China: Past, Present and the Future”, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo, China

71. 22/04/2019, “Inaugural Ceremony of Youth Committee of China Health Economics Association and Health Economics Symposium”, China Health Economics Association, Beijing, China

72. 30/11/2018 – 02/12/2018, “The 2018 Conference on Global Health and Hospital Development”, China Hospital Development Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China

73. 17/11/2018, “International Conference on Early Childhood Development in Rural China 2018”, Rural Education Action Program (REAP), Stanford University and Center for Experimental Economics in Education (CEEE), Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China

74. 12/10/2018 – 14/10/2018, “The 2018 Conference on China’s Reform and Opening Up: Structural Transformation and Economic Development”, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

75. 29/08/2018 – 31/08/2018, “UK-China Researcher Links Workshop: Economic Analysis of Large Medical Databases”, National School of Development (NSD), Peking University, Beijing, China

76. 04/05/2018 – 05/05/2018, “The Workshop on Inequality & Ageing: Next World Program and INEPA”, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, invited discussed paper: “Expansion of Public Transfers in China: Who Are the Beneficiaries?” Feng Wang, University of California, Irvine, U.S.

77. 05/01/2018 – 07/01/2018, “2018 Meeting of American Economic Association”, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.

78. 08/12/2017, “The Workshop on Economic Development in China”, Taiwan Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, China

79. 07/12/2017, “The Workshop on Industrial Economics”, Taiwan Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, China

80. 17/05/2017 – 19/05/2017, “The 2nd South Lake Innovation Forum for International Young Talents”, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China

81. 09/12/2016 – 10/12/2016, “The 8th International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor Markets: Celebrating Release of the China Human Capital Report 2016”, the China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China, invited discussed paper: “Women Hold Up Half the Sky? Gender identity and the wife's labor market performance in China”, Bing Ye, Zhejiang University, China

82. 03/11/2016 – 04/11/2016, “Workshop on the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)”, Munich Center for the Economics of Ageing (MEA), Max-Planck-Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, Munich, Germany

83. 27/09/2016, “International Colloquium on Food Security and Nutrition in the context of the 2030 Agenda: Science and Knowledge for Action”, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

84. 13/07/2016 – 16/07/2016, “The European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) Conference 2016”, Hamburg University, Germany

85. 26/05/2016 – 27/05/2016, “Conference on The Economics of Aging and Health”, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, invited discussant, invited discussed paper: “Do Notional Defined Contribution Schemes prolong working life? Evidence from the 1994 Swedish Pension Reform”, Qi, Haodong, Helgertz, Jonas., and Bengtsson, Tommy, Lund University, Sweden

86. 17/05/2016 – 20/05/2016, “The Spring School and Workshop in Quantitative Methods 2016: Applied Microeconometrics”, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

87. 14/01/2016 – 16/01/2016, “2016 Conference on Economics, Health and Happiness”, Lugano, Switzerland, invited discussed paper: “Decreased well-being after job loss: testing omitted causes”, Isabel Baumann, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Health Professions Department, Switzerland

88. 30/10/2015 – 31/10/2015, “The International Conference on Quality of Life in Tuscany: Theory and Policy”, Polo Lionello Bonfanti, Florence, Italy

89. 22/10/2015 – 23/10/2015, “10th International Conference on the Chinese Economy – The Second China’s Transition: New Reforms for A New Context”, CERDI-IDREC, University of Auvergne, France

90. 22/07/2015 – 23/07/2015, “Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Workshop”, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

91. 12/07/2015 – 15/07/2015, “11th World Congress on Health Economics (iHEA): Health Economics and Nutrition”, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy

92. 24/06/2015 – 25/06/2015, “ESRC Multi-disciplinary Health & Biomarkers Conference”, University of Essex, Colchester, UK

93. 04/06/2015 – 05/06/2015, “XVIII Applied Economics Meeting”, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain

94. 27/05/2015 – 29/05/2015, “The Spring School and Workshop on Quantative Methods: Effective Programming Practices for Economists”, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

95. 21/05/2015 – 23/05/2015, “20th Spring Meeting of Young Economists”, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

96. 06/05/2015 – 09/05/2015, “Work, Stress and Health Conference 2015: Sustainable Work, Sustainable Health, Sustainable Organizations”, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.

97. 25/02/2015 – 27/02/2015, “8th RGS Doctoral Conference in Economics” University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, invited discussed paper: “Lone stars or constellantions? The impact of performance pay on matching assortativeness in academia”, Erina Ytsma, The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

98. 31/01/2015, Conference Cycle of the “Tuscany Towards Expo 2015” Project: “Civil Economy and Public Happiness”, Polo Lionello Bonfanti, Florence, Italy

99. 30/01/2015, Conference Cycle of the “Tuscany Towards Expo 2015” Project: “Biodiversity and Forms of Enterprises”, Polo Lionello Bonfanti, Florence, Italy

100. 24/01/2015, Conference Cycle of the “Tuscany Towards Expo 2015” Project: “Firms’ Governance and Well-Being at the Workplace”, Polo Lionello Bonfanti, Florence, Italy

101. 17/01/2015, Conference Cycle of the “Tuscany Towards Expo 2015” Project: “Once upon A Time There Was the Future”, Polo Lionello Bonfanti, Florence, Italy

102. 16/01/2015 – 31/01/2015, the Winter School and Workshop on “Quality of Life, Well-Being and Social Relationships”, Polo Lionello Bonfanti, Florence, Italy

103. 04/12/2014 – 05/12/2014, “Perspectives on (Un-)Employment – PhD Workshop”, Congress Center of the Federal Employment Agency, Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany

104. 19/11/2014, “Global Food Studies Seminar”, Global Food Studies, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia

105. 16/07/2014, “2014 Doctoral Workshop on OECD Dataset”, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

106. 11/07/2014, “2014 Doctoral Seminar on Health Care & Public Management” (Major discussant: Prof. Dr. Peter Zweifel, University of Zurich, Switzerland), University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

107. 23/06/2014 – 26/06/2014, “13th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy”, Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece

108. 18/06/2014 – 21/06/2014, “The 28th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE)”, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

109. 09/06/2014 – 13/06/2014, “The DEFAP-LASER Summer School and Workshop in Applied Microeconometrics”, Università Cattolica, Milan, Italy, invited discussed paper: “Health differences across gender: the role of different attitudes”, Eve Caroli and Lexane Weber-Baghdiguian, University of Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France

110. 24/05/2014 – 30/05/2014, “CINCH Academy - The Essen Summer School and Workshop in Health Economics”, CINCH, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, invited discussed paper: “The Effect of Early Childhood Language Training Programs on the Contemporary Formation of Grammar Skills”, Daniel A. Kamhöfer, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany

111. 07/05/2014 – 09/05/2014, “Conference on China after 35 Years of Economic Transition”, London Metropolitan University, London, UK

112. 05/12/2013 – 06/12/2013, “Workshop on Search and Matching Theory”, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

113. 13/09/2013 – 15/09/2013, “Germany-China Forum on Animal Pharmacy andAnimal-derived Food Safety”, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China

114. 24/04/2013 – 17/07/2013, “2013Doctoral Seminar on Empirical Economics”, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

115. 01/12/2012 – 02/12/2012, “Workshop on Nonparametric Methods in Econometrics”, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

116. 24/07/2010 – 30/07/2010, “Workshop on Agricultural Development and Policy Analysis”, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China



经济学、管理学领域:Review of Income and Wealth,Economics & Human Biology,The Journal of the Economics of Ageing,China Economic Review,China & World Economy,Journal of Asian Economics,Contemporary Economic Policy,B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy,Journal of Family and Economic Issues,China Agricultural Economic Review,Review of Development Economics,Journal of Applied Economics,Singapore Economic Review,Economies,Economics Bulletin,International Journal of Manpower

健康、营养、老龄化与发展领域:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),One Earth,Preventive Medicine,Social Science & Medicine,BMJ Open,BMC Public Health,BMC Health Services Research, Journal of Transport & Health,Health Education & Behavior,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,Healthcare,Nutrients,International Journal of Health Policy and Management,Children and Youth Services Review,Journal of Population Ageing,Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences,Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences,Ageing and Mental Health,Research on Aging,Journal of Happiness Studies,Cities,Habitat International,Asian Population Studies,Sustainability

社会学领域:Social Science Research,International Journal of Comparative Sociology,Social Science Journal,Societies

其他:Frontiers in Psychology,Cogent Psychology,Behavioral Sciences,PLoS One,Safety,Heliyon,Social Sciences & Humanities Open,Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa



Invited anonymous Referee Committee Member (in the fields of Health Economics and Development Economics) of Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE)

· 21stSMYE2016, Lisbon, Portugal

· 22ndSMYE2017, Halle, Germany

· 23rd SMYE 2018, Mallorca, Spain

· 24thSMYE2019, Brussels, Belgium

· 25thSMYE2020, Bologna, Italy

Selected member of the Scientific Committee Review Panel of International Health Economics Association (iHEA)

· 2017 World Congress of iHEA, Boston, US

· 2019 World Congress of iHEA, Basel, Switzerland

· 2021 World Congress of iHEA(online)

Organization Committee and Review Panel Member of theThird Belt & Road Initiative Global Health International Congress & 2019 Global Health Forum of the University of Alliance of the Silk Road, Global Health Institute (GHI), Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, Xi’an, China


· 澳大利亚莫纳什大学莫纳什商学院

· 马来西亚拉曼大学经济系


· International Health Economics Association (iHEA, since 2015)

· The Economics of Obesity Special Interest Group (EOSIG),iHEA(since 2018)

· The Chinese Economists Society (CES, since 2017)

· Global Labor Organization (GLO Fellow, since 2018)

· China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAM, since 2018)

· The International Chinese Nutrition Young Scholar Network (ICNYSN, since 2019)

· Youth Committee of China Health Economics Association (YCCHEA, committee member, since 2019)

· Health Econometrics and Data Group, University of York, UK (since 2020)


2020.10 “2020年医药卫生管理青年学者论坛及学术沙龙口头汇报优秀奖

2020.01 《经济评论》2019年度优秀审稿专家

2019.10 “西安交通大学第十六届教学成果奖”,“面向国民经济主战场,


2018.12 “全球健康与医院发展青年论坛暨第三届卫生智库论坛”, 上海交通大学医学院、中国医院发展研究院和公共卫生学院,论文一等奖

2018.05 “校友剑冰青年拔尖人才奖励基金”, 西安交通大学经济与金融学

2017.09 “Outstanding Reviewer Award”, Habitat International (IF=4.31, JCR Q1, Elsevier)

2014.06 “Full scholarship of the DEFAP-LASER Summer School in Applied

Microeconometrics at Università Cattolica”, Milan, Italy

2012.09 – 2015.08 DAAD “Excellence Scholarship” of PhD Program of “Global

Food Security”, Germany

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