为帮助我院留学生解决论文写作中遇到的问题,学院为本科生、硕士生和博士生分别开设了论文写作系列讲座。To help international students solve problems encountered in thesis writing. The college has launched a series of lectures on dissertation writing for undergraduates, masters and doctoral students.
1、For PhD students
报告题目:Introduction to the framework of a Ph.D dissertation
报 告 人:Renai Jiang
时 间:2022年2月26日北京时间18:00-20:00

Renai Jiang is a professor at School of Economics and Finance, Xi’an Jiaotong University. He obtained his Ph.D degree from the School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2011. His research interest is in the areas of technology innovation, ICT, and economic growth. He has published papers in the Economics of Transtion, China Economic Review, China & World Economy, Journal of Contemporary China. His work has been supported by two National Natural Science Foundation of China.
As one of a series of lectures on Ph.D dissertation writing for International students, I will focus on the framework of Ph.D dissertion. The main framework of dissertation is introduced, followed by examples of Ph.D dissertation from high-level universities in China.
2、For master students
报告题目:The Framework of Your Master’s Thesis: Guidelines and Suggestions
报 告 人:Dr. Guiyuan Ma
时 间:2022年2月26日北京时间19:00-21:00

Dr. Guiyuan Ma is an assistant professor in School of Economics and Finance, XJTU. He received his Master degree from Fudan University and Ph.D from University of Wollongong in Australia. Before joining XJTU, Dr. Ma worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests are dynamic portfolio choice with frictions, principal-agent problems and corporate finance. So far, Dr. Ma has published 12 papers in the SSCI/SCI journals such as Finance and Stochastics、Economic Modelling、Quantitative Finance, Computational Economics and European Journal of Operational Research. His research work is currently supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 72101199) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (SK2021019).
In this talk, I will provide some helpful guidelines and suggestions for the students who are still confused by preparing their master’s thesis. First, I will introduce the template of the master thesis in XJTU and demonstrate the standard requirements in detail so that everyone becomes familiar with the framework of master thesis. Then, I will share you what a good master thesis should be like section by section. Finally, some tips on how to succeed in Academia will be demonstrated.
3、For undergraduates
报 告 人:姚芳
时 间:2022年2月27日北京时间18:00-20:00
