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2019年11月18日 15:41  点击:[]

报告题目:The Effect of Income on Land Transfers: Evidence from rural China

报 告 人:朱炯博士

时   间:2019年11月20日上午10点

地   点:西安交大财经校区教学楼8楼国际交流厅

报告人简介:朱炯是中国人民大学的博士生,主要从事微观发展经济学、长期发展经济学的研究。目前关心农村土地、土地财政以及县域经济发展等问题的研究,主要以县级数据来回答经济发展中的问题。朱炯曾在密歇根州立大学、南洋理工大学做过访问学生,曾在《European Economic Review》、《经济研究》等期刊发表过学术论文,主持过3项研究项目,获得过一些学术会议奖项,2016年作为研究生参与中财办委托课题,这个课题形成的政策报告获得了国务院总理和副总理批示。

摘 要:

Pension programs as social security for the elderly have been increasingly implemented in the developing countries, and recent years have also witnessed increasing government attention to promoting land rental as a key element of national development strategy. In this paper, we use an exogenous income variation generated from the Chinese New Rural Pension Scheme (NRPS) to examine the causal effects of pension program/income on rural household’s land transfer decisions. Using the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) data, we find that program eligibility or pension income receipt has significant and positive effect on (1) participation in rent-out and (2) the amount of area rented out. However, inconsistent with our hypothesis, the NRPS has no significant effect on farmer’s decision to lease-in, possibly due to the fact that the rent-in households are inherently more experienced in farming. The results are robust to different model specifications and to the controlling for different confounding factors. The main results based on regression discontinuity approach (RD) are confirmed by the difference-in-differences (DID) estimation. Also, several policy implications of our findings are provided.




上一条:经金学院“知新”讲坛系列讲座之二十一 下一条:经金学院“知新”讲坛系列讲座之二十


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