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博文经济学社讲座之七 ——戴小勇学术讲座

2017年06月08日 14:47  点击:[]





报告题目:Decomposing the contribution of firm innovation to aggregate productivity growth

报告摘要:This paper constructs a theoretical model and extends a productivity decomposition approach to evaluate the contribution of firm innovation to aggregate productivity growth (APG). We investigate if firm innovation increases the productivity of individual firms, reallocates resources across firms, and eventually improves aggregate productivity. Using a large sample of Chinese manufacturing firms, the results indicate that firms become more productive and attract more resources after implementing innovation. At the industry level, firm innovation improves aggregate industry productivity through both firm-level productivity improvements and across-firm resource reallocations. However, the productivity decomposition results indicate resource reallocations negatively contribute to aggregate productivity for majority of industries. The contribution of resource reallocations between innovators and non-innovators to APG are also found weak and even negative during some periods. Our results suggest that firm-level innovation has not yet taken a dominant role in determining resource reallocations and APG in China. To maximize its translational efficiency into aggregate productivity, our study highlights the importance of improving resource allocation efficiency across firms.

报告人简介:戴小勇,西安交通大学经济与金融学院讲师,澳大利亚政府资助“奋进研究基金”(Endeavour Research Fellowship) 获得者、昆士兰大学访问学者,大连理工大学与英国曼彻斯特大学联合培养博士。研究方向主要包括:全要素生产率的估计与分解、要素错配与全要素生产率损失测算、创新融资与创新激励政策有效性评估。目前在《Technological Forecasting & Social Change》、《Energy Policy》、《Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice》等国际高水平SSCI期刊,以及《中国软科学》、《科研管理》、《研究与发展管理》、《国际贸易问题》等国内重要学术期刊上发表论文10余篇,论文被引近300次。




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